The Self-Delusions of Neocons, All The Way From Bush to Biden


    by Eric Zuesse, The Duran:

    They are driving the U.S. economy into a black hole, by their obsessive insistence that America must continue to have the world’s biggest or ‘leading’ economy, which is an obsession that’s instead destroying the U.S. economy. So: they lie to say that the only alternative to America’s leading the world will be some ‘autocracy’ that’s far less democratic, and far more of a police-state, than is America’s Government.

    On the one hand, they talk about ‘democracy’ and ‘human rights’, but on the other hand, they are themselves the world’s biggest enemies of both, because they stand astride the world’s most rampant violator of international laws, a Government that not only pens up in prisons a higher percentage of its population than does any other of the world’s 200+ countries (which fact, in itself, is sufficient to prove the fraudulence of all neocons — including all U.S. Presidents in this Century) and is also in other ways a police-state, whose many coups or “regime-change” operations have produced since the end of World War II in 1945, almost all of the world’s military invasions.

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    The U.S. Congressional Research Service’s list of U.S. invasions (including increases in existing invasions) lists and briefly describes 297 such invasions after WW II (i.e., during 1945-2022, a 77-year period), and is titled “Instances of Use of United States Armed Forces Abroad, 1798-2022”. That 297 U.S. invasions in the past 77 years is more than all of the instances put together during 1798-1945 — which was twice as long a period, 147-years. And none of those 297 invasions after 1944 was defensive. 244 of the 297 occurred after the Soviet Union ended in 1991 and prior to Russia’s invading Ukraine in 2022. During that entire time (and even going all the way back to the end of WW II in 1945) there was no U.S. declaration of war and therefore no Constitutional legality for the invasion — not for any of America’s post-WW-II invasions). All of the 297 were unConstitutional (without an official congressional declaration of war). Most of them were purely aggressions (some in order to help a foreign tyrant suppress his own population). After the Soviet Union ended in 1991, the U.S. regime just went wild, internationally, and stepped-up the frequency of its invasions. America’s Founders had insisted that there be no “standing army” in this nation. Until Truman established the ‘Defense’ Department and CIA in 1947, there wasn’t any. That change, by him, created America’s military-industrial complex, which now controls the country, on behalf of U.S. billionaires. But, really all U.S. Presidents since 25 July 1945 have been neocons, though some worse than others. The worst of all (the worst of a bad string) are Truman, Eisenhower, both Bushes, Obama, and Biden. To call this country a democracy is a bad joke.

    The U.S. now has 900 military bases in foreign countries around the world, in addition to the 749 U.S. domestic military bases. The U.S. now is spending approximately half of the entire world’s military costs.

    Even the United Nations Secretary General has said that “The world needs U.S. leadership – at the UN and elsewhere.” (America is the main country that selects U.N. Secretaries General. Ban Ki-moon was that one.) He was saying that the U.N., which was originally intended by its inventor FDR to be the democratic federal world Government of, by, and for, all nations (but which FDR’s enemy Truman actually designed it so as for it to fail at being any such thing), was openly advocating, by its own chief spokesperson, to be, itself, subordinate to the U.S. Government, instead of superior to the U.S. Government, in its field of authority, which is international law. This was the virtual U.N. surrender, to the first-ever all-encompassing global empire, the hegemon, which is replacing the U.N.’s international laws, by America’s international rules, and thereby transitioning to this global dictatorship’s, the U.S. Government’s, “international rules-based order,” which will replace all international laws. Even the United Nations has surrendered to it — never resisted it. That is shocking, because no one has even called attention to it (until now, here, 12 years after Ban Ki-moon did this).

    He said that, even after the U.S. Government had, knowingly on the basis only of blatantly demonstrable lies even at the time, invaded and destroyed Iraq, and then in 2011 was bragging to the world that it had just destroyed the best-functional national economy in Africa, Libya — neither of which victim-nations had posed any authentic national-security threat to the American people; so, both of these invasions were international-war crimes. Yet, this was done by the country that the U.N. was urging to be its “leader.”

    However, the U.S. economy is, itself, being gutted, in order to impose its global dictatorship over other nations. Over half of all the expenditures that the U.S. Congress and President authorize each year are going to pay military costs.

    On 20 April 2023, the U.S. Treasury Department headlined “Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen on the U.S. – China Economic Relationship at Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies”, and Janet Yellen said, regarding especially the U.S. Government’s emerging war to conquer China — another country that never threatened the United States but that now is gearing up to protect itself against the U.S. regime’s threats against China:

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