Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Mission Accomplished: Seymour Hersh, Nordstream, and What’s Left on the Cutting Room Floor


    by Tom Luongo, Tom Luongo:

    On Wednesday, I turned 55 and I got one of the best birthday presents a guy like me could ever ask for, a major geopolitical bombshell.  Seymour Hersh published his first article in a long time on the bombing of the Nordstream pipeline bombing, directly implicating major players within the “Biden” administration.

    Hersh’s story is noteworthy not just because of what it says, but for the timing of him hitting the publish button and to whom this story is directly aimed.

    Episode 2508: First Hand Reports Of FBI Corruption


      from Bannons War Room:

      TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/

      FBI Collusion With Twitter ‘Shocking,’ Witnesses Tell Panel at ‘Weaponization’ Hearing


        by Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D., Childrens Health Defense:

        The U.S. House Judiciary Committee’s Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government on Thursday heard testimony from Congress members and ex-FBI agents who criticized government agencies for colluding with media and Big Tech to censor Americans.

        What Can I Do to Stop CBDCs?


          by Dr. Joseph Mercola, Mercola:

          • In 2023, 11 countries have fully launched a digital currency while more than 20 more will move toward starting one
          • 114 countries, which represent more than 95% of global GDP, are looking into CBDC — up from just 35 countries in 2020
          • Finance guru Catherine Austin Fitts details 10 practical steps individuals can take to stop implementation of CBDCs
          • Tips include using cash as much as possible and minimizing your use of digital systems, including avoiding biometric technology and QR codes

          US State Department Funding Secret ‘Disinformation’ Crusade To Blacklist Conservative Media


            from ZeroHedge:

            The US Department of State has been funding a “disinformation” tracking group through its Global Engagement Center (GEC), which reportedly works at demonetizing sites it accuses of disseminating “disinformation,” – which are overwhelmingly conservative news outlets, the Washington Examiner reports.

            Musk Advisor David Sacks States Elon Musk Had “No Idea” the Level of Government Control and Influence Over Twitter Platform Prior to Purchase


              from The Conservative Treehouse:

              David Sacks is a key advisor to Elon Musk and one of the principal aides to Musk during the purchase and subsequent takeover of Twitter by the billionaire entrepreneur.

              There has been an ongoing debate about whether Elon Musk was aware of the U.S. government and intelligence community control over Twitter prior to the purchase; with many people saying there is no way that Musk could not know given the scale of the money involved, $42 billion and the due diligence that generally follows such transactions.



                from Team Global:

                TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/

                Germany Prepares for Conscription and the Final War


                  by Kurt Nimmo, Kurt Nimmo on Geopolitics:

                  Putin and the Russians are rightfully angry about the growing military hysteria (and psychopathic disorders) of the “collective West.”

                  Imagine Vladimir Putin, sitting behind his desk in the Kremlin, learning the news Germany plans to reintroduce conscription (involuntary servitude). The Russians are outraged at the prospect of Leopard 2 tanks bearing the Balkenkreuz, the Iron Cross, killing its soldiers and destroying its tanks in Ukraine.



                    from Amazing Polly:

                    TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/

                    Kids Forced to Pledge Allegiance to Progress Pride Flag


                      from Moonbattery:

                      Because Old Glory represents everything leftists hate, alternatives must be found. For example, Democrats at the SOTU spectacle replaced flag pins with pieces of flare proclaiming their adoration of abortion. Likewise, the moonbats controlling classrooms have an alternate flag to which children are required to pledge allegiance:

                      EXCLUSIVE: Stunning new data pulled from the Medicare database shows how each shot increases your risk of death


                        by Steve Kirsch, Steve Kirsch’s Newsletter:

                        We can now see very clearly what is going on. Shot #1 bumps your risk of death by around 20%. Shot # 2 bumps it another 20%. Shot #3 bumps your risk another 10%.

                        Executive summary

                        I’m still gathering data from Medicare, but a consistent picture is emerging for Medicare participants under 80 years old:

                        Higher Excess Deaths Clearly Linked to Higher Vaccination Rates in England, New Analysis Shows


                          by Will Jones, Daily Sceptic:

                          The more vaccine doses an area of England has received, the greater the number of excess deaths it has experienced, an analysis of official data has found – adding to worries that the novel Covid vaccines are contributing to the sharp rise in excess deaths seen since mid-2021.

                          The analysis looked at excess death rates and vaccination rates for all 300-plus lower tier administrative areas in England. It used the pre-pandemic five-year average (2015-19) as a baseline and controlled for confounding factors such as age and deprivation by comparing the findings in the vaccination era to those in the first Covid wave, before vaccines were available (Figure 1).

                          Dangers of EMP and Cyber Attacks Causing Blackouts – Maria Zeee & Mike Adams on Infowars


                            from mariazeee:

                            TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/