Monday, June 17, 2024

PARTNERS IN EVIL: Big Pharma partnering with Chinese university linked to cyberattacks, espionage


    by Ethan Huff, Natural News:

    In order to expand its already obscene profit streams, New York-based pharmaceutical giant Bristol-Myers Squibb is partnering with Tsinghua University in communist China to develop new drugs for novel cancers and autoimmune diseases.

    This is problematic because Tsinghua University has a “clear connection” to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The school has also launched cyberattacks against the United States, and thus represents a threat to national security, according to the U.S. Department of State. (Related: Tsinghua University is also a CCP propaganda training ground, we now know.)

    Black Bullshit Month


      by Tobias Langdon, The Unz Review:

      The Biblical scholar John Allegro (1923–88) once argued that Jesus Christ was a magic mushroom. His theory was utter nonsense, of course. It’s obvious that Jesus was in fact a horse. After all, he was born in a stable. His supposed Greek title, ὁ Υἱὸς τοῦ Θεοῦ, ho Huios tou Theou, “The Son of God,” must be a corruption of ὁ Ἵππος τοῦ Θεοῦ, ho Hippos tou Theou, “The Horse of God.”

      Kiev Learns the Hard Way: Terrorism Doesn’t Pay


        by Robert Bridge, Strategic Culture:

        Considering the other alternatives that await the Ukrainian people, it seems that making immediate peace with Moscow is the obvious course of action.

        Ukraine was happy to oblige Moscow by proving to the world on its own that it has morphed into a full-blown terrorist state. But there is still time for Kiev to change course, if average Ukrainians have any say in it.

        The Globalists Death Wish: Russia’s ‘Dead Hand System’ Is Ready To Incinerate Washington DC, NATO And America Automatically, Even If Russia’s Entire Chain Of Command Is Incapacitated


        by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

        With nuclear war insanely being babbled about at the very highest levels of the US government, and any nuclear war that does break out most likely hitting the Washington DC psychopaths first, and quite literally incinerating millions of Americans in the process, we thought we’d remind those Washington DC psychopaths about Russia’s ‘Dead Hand System,‘ also known as ‘Perimeter,’ in this story.

        As wikipedia reports of ‘Dead Hand,’ the system remains in place to this day, and while it is said to only be activated during times of crisis, who wouldn’t argue we’re in such a time right now? And as that wikipedia entry reported, ‘Dead Hand’ is a fail-safe Russian  system that will automatically launch nuclear weapons at Russia’s enemies, even if the entire Russian chain of command has been incapacitated. From that entry.:

        Weather Weaponization and Hurricane Ian


          from Reese Report:

          TRUTH LIVES on at

          U.N. Projects the Planet’s Unlivable Areas by 2070 & 2100


            by Eric Zuesse, The Duran:

            The U.N. and International Red Cross have just published their 64-page study, “Extreme Heat: Preparing for the Heatwaves of the Future”, and it contains maps showing which areas of this planet will probably be unlivably hot by 2070, and then by 2100.

            French Fuel Shortage Leads to Yellow Vest Resurgence


              by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

              The French, especially in Paris, are starting to feel the effects of the gas shortage. There are reports of cars queued for miles outside gas stations. Some have reported waiting for over an hour, only to find that there was no petrol left to fuel their vehicle.

              Workers at TotalEnergies and Esso-ExxonMobil in France are on strike at the moment as well. This has led to three out of six refineries shutting down as production has been cut by 60% to 740,000 bpd. Over a third of TotalEnergies’ 3,500 stations are low on petrol. Workers are seeking a 10% salary increase as they feel the oil companies are reaping in profits amid this crisis.

              THOUSANDS Of Sudden, Unexpected Deaths Flood The HHS Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System


                from Tim Truth:

                TRUTH LIVES on at

                Bank of England Warns Pension Funds “You’ve Got Three Days to Wind Up Positions”


                  by Mish Shedlock, Mish Talk:

                  Today, the Bank of England made a series of statements more likely to cause liquidity problems than solve them, at least in the short term.

                  You Have Three Days

                  Yahoo!Finance reports BOE’s Bailey Has a Message for Funds.



                    from SGT Report:

                    David Jensen returns to SGT Report to expose Jerome Powell’s shocking public comments to the Kato Institute on September 8th which may have triggered a terminal run on the silver market. Comex and LBMA physical silver supplies are collapsing and silver’s price is up 15% in just the past couple of weeks.

                    As Zelensky Asks The G7 For Air Defense Support, NATO Is Just About One Step Away From Open War With Russia, Is This The End Or The Beginning?


                      by Geoffrey Grinder, Now The End Begins:

                      Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky called on allies Tuesday to provide air defense as Russia continued to bombard Ukraine for a second day — while also asking for international peacekeepers on the Belarusian border.

                      So here’s the question everyone should be asking, how far can NATO and the G7 go in helping Ukraine to defend against Russia until they find themselves to be fighting Russia? We have said all along that Russia seemed to be using this rather unusual conflict to lure in NATO and the United States into war, and 7 months down the road, that scenario seems more probable than ever.

                      FBI Officials Who Warned Facebook of ‘Russian Disinfo’ Before Hunter Laptop Bombshell Are Democrat Donors


                        by Wendell Husebo, Breitbart:

                        Two FBI officials who had knowledge of the Hunter Biden laptop in 2020 and who alerted Facebook to potential Russian disinformation are Democrat donors, court filings and campaign finance records show.

                        The unit chief for the FBI’s Foreign Influence Task Force, Laura Dehmlow, and the head of the FBI’s San Francisco cyber division, Elvis Chan, were likely engaged in suppressing Facebook’s distribution of the story on the platform, the Washington Free Beacon reported from court filings.



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                        PayPal Automatically Pulls $2,500 In Reparations From All White People’s Accounts


                          from The Babylon Bee:

                          SAN JOSE, CA — Last week, PayPal faced backlash after including verbiage in its Acceptable Use Policy that allowed the company to fine users $2,500 for “misinformation.” While the company has said that the verbiage was posted “in error” and they never intended to fine users for misinformation, the online community has spotted additional fine print allowing PayPal to levy $2,500 fees against white people for reparations.