Sunday, June 16, 2024

Pfizer Whistleblower: C19 Vaccine GLOWS, Possibly To Identify Those Vaxxed, Bizarre Videos Surface


    from Tim Truth:

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      by Jim Rickards, Daily Reckoning:

      Many analysts say gold is volatile. But they should say that the gold market is volatile. That’s because most of it is paper gold, with only a small amount of physical gold to support it.

      Think of the gold market as an inverted pyramid, with a small amount of gold at the bottom, holding up a huge amount of paper gold. The paper market could be 100 times the size of the physical market.

      That means there are 100 paper claims upon each ounce of physical gold. Imagine a coat check at a restaurant issuing 100 claims for one actual jacket. Well, there’s only one coat so 99 claimants are out of luck.

      CNN Reveals Unaired ‘Behind-the-Scenes’ Video from January 6 That Captures Suspect Footage of ‘Mystery Man’ Ray Epps


        by Kyle Becker, Becker News:

        CNN on Thursday revealed exclusive footage from January 6 that came directly from Nancy Pelosi’s daughter herself. It was hand-selected by the partisan January 6 committee to show the American public on primetime cable television.

        There are still 14,000 hours of footage from January 6 that the Department of Justice won’t allow the American people to see, presumably because it would damage its ability to prosecute J6 political prisoners in court.

        Thousands more Children die as EU drags out Europe-wide Investigation into why there’s been an 8x increase in Excess Deaths among Children since EMA approved COVID Vaccine for Kids


          by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

          It has now been several weeks since the EU and official EU statistics departments were forced to launch an official Europe-wide investigation into excess deaths among children because of an exclusive investigation conducted and published by The Exposé.

          But countries across Europe are still “struggling” to conclude why so many children have died across the continent ever since the European Medicines Agency extended the emergency use authorisation of the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine for use in children aged 12 to 15 in May 2021.

          Episode 2223: You’re About To Lose A Decade Of Your Financial Future


            from Bannons War Room:

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            Scientists Sound Alarm as Gates, WEF Promote Gene-Editing Technology for Everything From Fake Meat to Designer Babies


              by Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D., Childrens Health Defense:

              Bill Gates and the World Economic Forum are among the biggest promoters of CRISPR, a recently developed gene-editing technology, but scientists interviewed by The Defender warned about the technology’s flaws and risks.

              CRISPR, a recently developed gene-editing technology is promoted as a potential solution to numerous diseases, to food security and climate change — even as a way to deliver “designer babies” and bring extinct mammals back to life.

              Biden executive order allows spying on Americans to assess ‘political instability,’ climate ‘threats’


                by Emily Mangiaracina, LifeSite News:

                The executive order provides a kind of legal ‘backdoor’ to surveillance of Americans under extremely broad pretexts.

                President Joe Biden issued an executive order (EO) that allows the government to spy on Americans for broadly defined reasons including understanding “public health risks,” “political instability,” and the “threat” of climate change.

                Leak: German Government’s Ukraine war propaganda campaign


                  by Alex Thompson, UK Column:

                  The below is a translation, made with the permission of the author, of Part I (dated 29 September 2022) of Florian Warweg’s exclusive article in NachDenkSeiten, a careful and reliable German new media platform. The original there contains several screenshots of the German document that has been leaked.

                  The FBI is still trying to withhold records about Seth Rich and CrowdStrike


                    from LawFlog:

                    Surprise, surprise. The FBI is dragging its feet.

                    Yesterday the government asked for more time to respond to U.S. District Judge Amos Mazzant’s September 29, 2022 order directing the FBI to produce all records related to Seth Rich’s laptop. Somewhat relatedly, the FBI is withholding three reports produced by CrowdStrike in August of 2016 regarding the purported hack of the Democratic National Committee.

                    First the laptop. The FBI wants two more weeks so it can prepare a motion for reconsideration. As a courtesy, we have not objected to the request. According to the government’s motion, “the FBI is uncertain how to comply with the Court’s order as written, and the FBI is seeking input from a pending appellate consultation regarding the order to properly address this issue.”

                    Educrats Celebrate 582% Increase in Trans Children


                      from Moonbattery:

                      Children are vulnerable to brainwashing. That is why leftist social engineers target them. This story indicates how successful they have been at using their control of schools to indoctrinate kids with the transsexual agenda:

                      Maryland’s largest public school district saw a 582% increase the number of students identifying as gender nonconforming in just two years, according to internal data posted to an educator’s Twitter page.

                      Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) gathered this data from forms school counselors fill out when students approach them to talk about gender identity issues.

                      This revelation punctures the narrative that transsexual children have always been prevalent, but we never happened to notice until LGBT militants achieved political hegemony. Here’s how it leaked out:

                      Proof – Pfizer and the World’s Governments Lied


                        by Greg Boulden, America Outloud:

                        This week the European Union Parliament met to discuss the vaccine manufacturers and question leadership about data and efficacy. In their questioning, they unearthed a truth that no politician in America was able to obtain. When the vaccines for Covid were rushed out, Pfizer had done no clinical research on whether or not it prevented transmission. Thankfully, the internet is forever.

                        We have a record of media, politicians, and health leaders lying to the American public for an entire year. This lie permeated a myth that destroyed people’s lives. They were shunned and disowned by friends and family, lost jobs, told they could not eat out at restaurants, and uninvited to Holiday gatherings. All because the President and CDC continued a myth without any science invested into it.

                        Banking crisis — the Great Unwind


                          by Alasdair Macleod, GoldMoney:

                          There is a growing feeling in markets that a financial crisis of some sort is now on the cards. Credit Suisse’s very public struggles to refinance itself is proving to be a wake-up call for markets, alerting investors to the parlous state of global banking.

                          This article identifies the principal elements leading us into a global financial crisis. Behind it all is the threat from a new trend of rising interest rates, and the natural desire of commercial banks everywhere to reduce their exposure to falling financial asset values both on their balance sheets and held as loan collateral. And there are specific problems areas, which we can identify: