Saturday, June 15, 2024

As ‘General Armageddon’ Takes The Reins Of Russia’s War Machine, Be Prepared For TEOTWAWKI As The World Has No Experience Stopping A War Between Two Nuclear-Armed Foes


    by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

    With NATO holding nuclear war deterrence drills next week, ex-NATO chief Richard Shirreff claiming the world must be ready for NUCLEAR WAR and Russia tapping the man known as ‘General Armageddon’ to win the war, we serve our families and loved ones best by preparing for such a catastrophic scenario as well, just in case things spiral completely out of control in the next few days, weeks or months. So we will go over all kinds of nuclear war prep from experts, including building fallout shelters and Cresson H. Kearny’s classic book “Nuclear War Survival Skills,” in this story.

    “They Will Steal The Midterms”


      by Emerald Robinson, Emerald Robinson’s The Right Way:

      Thanks to the authors of The Parallel Election for sending me the following information about election fraud being prepared for the 2022 mid-terms in Delaware County, PA.

      First, read this announcement.

      The CICA Summit in Astana


        by Robert Moloney, The Duran:

        The unstoppable process of Eurasian integration, a key pillar of the emergent multipolar international order, marches onwards. Astana, Kazakhstan, during October 12th-13th held the 6th Summit of the ‘Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia’ (CICA), a Kazakh-supported multilateral forum of dialogue and regional cooperation across Asia. CICA, which was first suggested by the Kazakh ex-President Nursultan Nazarbayev back in 1992, has developed into an important framework of security and economic development, such as in the fields of confronting terrorism and supporting enterprises. The summit brings together the heads of state and/or ministerial-level delegates from twenty-seven member states spanning the most powerful states of Asia as well as rising regional states and is a vivid demonstration of the intensifying efforts to coordinate the states of the greater Asian world towards deepening patterns of win-win cooperation.

        Episode 2228: The Attack On Children: From The Medical Board To The School Board


          from Bannons War Room:

          TRUTH LIVES on at

          New Interview: The Plot to Seize Russia


            by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

            Commentary from Rico Potkaars:
            “Historian and Economist Martin Armstrong, as a computer programmer created the system called socrates that analyses history, current affairs and the flow of money and extrapolates to what may lie ahead. It gave him the nickname ‘the Forecaster’ and a documentary that to this day is forbidden in the USA.



            from SGT Report:

            In a remarkably honest and thorough speech Tulsi Gabbard has disavowed the Democratic Party and everything it stands for. This marks yet another huge tipping point in the war for truth and humanity.

            The Russia-Iran Drone Alliance Is Rapidly Expanding And Might Soon Be Changing The Balance Of Power In The Middle East As A Wary Israel Takes Notice


              by Geoffrey Grinder, Now The End Begins:

              Russia’s use of Iranian drones in Ukraine is growing and it is clear that the threat now must be taken seriously – not just in the Middle East or Ukraine, but on a global scale.

              It looks like the war Russia has started with Ukraine is not ending anytime soon, all reports of Putin’s declining health and the crash of the Russian economy notwithstanding, and now a new wrinkle has been added to the face of this conflict. It looks like the Drone-Alliance Russia has fostered with terror state Iran just might be going global.

              FBI Was Court Ordered to Turn Over Documents on Seth Rich 14 Days Ago – For Some Reason They Are Refusing the Request… Why Is That?


                by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

                In September US District Judge for the Eastern District of Texas ordered the FBI to “produce the information it possesses related to Seth Rich’s laptop.”

                In our previous reporting The Gateway Pundit’s Joe Hoft reported on the FBI’s refusal to release documents on Seth Rich. To this day we still don’t have good information on Seth Rich’s murder. He was shot in the back twice in the early morning near his home. He died later in the hospital. The police recorded the event as a robbery and yet Rich’s phone, wallet, and personal items were with him when the police arrived.

                Facebook ‘Whistleblower’ Frances Haugen Teams Up with Deep Staters and Democrats to ‘Fix’ Social Media


                  by Allum Bokhari, Breitbart:

                  Frances Haugen, the Facebook “whistleblower” who was turned into a celebrity by politicians and the establishment media for demanding sweeping censorship of social media, is teaming up with former members of the Deep State, establishment Republicans, and top Democrats to “fix” social media.

                  The coalition is called the Council for Responsible Social Media, and is a project of Issue One, a nonprofit which according to CNBC plans to “address the harmful impacts social media can have on kids, communities and national security.”

                  Democrat Minnesota Rep. Angie Craig: “I will never stop standing up for Big Pharma and standing against my constituents!”


                    Russian Official Warns Of World War III If Ukraine Joins NATO


                      by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:

                      A Russian official has warned of world war 3 if NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) accepts Ukraine as a member. Ukraine has already applied for fast-track approval to join NATO.

                      Ukraine’s application signing video screamed war propaganda in a way that was overt. Ukraine’s application for an accelerated entry into NATO is “rather a propaganda move,” Venediktov said. He also repeated the Kremlin’s rhetoric that countries in the West, by assisting Ukraine in the war, “are a direct party to the conflict”.

                      BARGE-POCALYPSE unfolding as rivers DRY UP, leaving farmers and coal producers with no transportation


                        by Mike Adams, Natural News:

                        Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water, now there’s a “barge-pocalypse” unfolding that you might find rather disturbing. This is a problem with massive global implications that very few people saw coming because barges don’t exactly attract a lot of attention. But they are critical for efficient transportation of crops and coal, and when the barges stop running, the world is in serious trouble.

                        GOOD VS. HARDCORE MARXIST SATANIC EVIL — Dr. Jerome Corsi


                          from SGT Report:

                          Dr. Jerome Corsi returns to discuss a NEW BOMBSHELL billion dollar vax lawsuit, Paypal fascism, the Marxist agenda for WW3 and much more – thanks for tuning in.