Monday, June 17, 2024

Will the Midterms Change Anything?


    by Ron Paul, Ron Paul Institute:

    Many experts expect public anger over inflation to enable Republicans to regain a majority in the US House of Representatives and maybe the Senate in next week’s midterm elections. However, even if every close Senate race broke in Republicans’ favor, and the new Republican majority was determined to pass a pro-liberty agenda, there still would not be the votes to override President Biden’s vetoes, or Chuck Schumer’s filibusters. Pro-liberty legislation cutting spending, or protecting our First, Second, and Fifth Amendment rights, or shutting down the Department of Education, or auditing the Federal Reserve, would not become law.

    ‘WWIII has already effectively begun’ – Nouriel Roubini


      from RT:

      According to the renowned economist, “everything will split in two”

      A new world war is practically underway, “certainly in Ukraine and cyberspace,” economist Nouriel Roubini explained.

      Last week, the New York University professor was interviewed by Der Spiegel and listed some of the world’s most acute problems.

      Recalling a recent event hosted by the International Monetary Fund, he referred to historian Niall Ferguson who “said in a speech there that we would be lucky if we got an economic crisis like in the 1970s — and not a war like in the 1940s.”

      Climate “Reparations” To Fund Global Tyranny


        from The New American:

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        “You Murderous Hypocrites”: Outrage Ensues After The Atlantic Suggests ‘Amnesty’ For Pandemic Authoritarians


          from ZeroHedge:

          The Atlantic has come under fire for suggesting that all the terrible pandemic-era decisions over lockdowns, school closures, masking, and punishing an entire class of people who questioned the efficacy and wisdom of taking a rushed, experimental vaccine – for a virus with a 99% survival rate in most, should all be water under the bridge.

          We need to forgive one another for what we did and said when we were in the dark about COVID,” writes Brown Professor Emily Oster – a huge lockdown proponent, who now pleads from mercy from the once-shunned.

          Report: Potentially Lethal New Super Strain Of COVID Created In London Lab


            by Paul Joseph Watson, Summit News:

            A potentially deadly new strain of COVID has been created in a University lab in London, according to a report.

            The Daily Mail reports that researchers at Imperial College London have hybridised the original Wuhan strain of the disease with both the Omicron or Delta variants separately.

            The College is yet to reveal how effective the strain they have created is, and has denied that the work constitutes gain of function, the process now widely believed to have been responsible for the original strain in Wuhan.

            A New Report Exposes Massive Deep State Censorship Efforts (Ep. 1885) – The Dan Bongino Show


              from The Dan Bongino Show:

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              “They Are Going To Frame Me”: 29-Year-Old Stablecoin Innovator Found Dead After Tweeting About “CIA And Mossad Pedo Elite”


                from ZeroHedge:

                A prominent figure in cryptocurrencies who claimed his ex-girlfriend was a spy and thought he might be “suicided by the CIA” was found dead one day after tweeting about an alleged “sex trafficking entrapment blackmail ring out of Puerto Rico and caribbean islands.”

                Nikolai Arcadie Muchgian, the 29-year-old founder of MakerDAO, Balancer Labs, and the decentralized Dai stablecoin, was found dead last Friday in San Juan, Puerto Rico. According to local officials he was ‘swept away by sea currents’ behind Ashford Hospital in Condado and drowned.

                The United States Has Been Overthrown


                  by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

                  The United States has undergone a coup. Having observed no martial conflict, you might think that I have gone off my rocker. But not all coups are physically violent. They can occur because poisonous ideas take hold and subvert the society. The United States is defined by the Constitution, and when the Constitution is eroded away, so is the United States.

                  The Constitution has been eroding away for a long time. The liberals said the Constitution had to be a living document, which means that it is forever changing, which means redefined, which means eroded.

                  The Government Is Set To Spend More On Debt Payments Than The Entire Defense Budget


                    by John Hugh Demastri, The Daily Caller:

                    Interest on federal debt is set to skyrocket, potentially surpassing defense spending by as early as 2025, CNN reported Tuesday.

                    The federal government made $475 billion in net interest payments in the fiscal year 2022 — which ended in September  — up from $352 in fiscal year 2021, according to the Treasury Department. The number exceeds the $406 billion spent on transportation and veterans’ benefits, and is on track to eclipse the roughly $750 billion spent on defense this year between 2025 to 2026, according to CNN, citing financial analytics firm Moody’s Analytics.

                    Episode 2267: Elections Observers Push Back Against Soros Funding; Baghdad By The Bay


                      from Bannons War Room:

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                      JUST IN – All trading halted on Canada’s largest stock exchange due to a technical issue.


                        Rickards’ Updated Election Forecast


                          by Jim Rickards, Daily Reckoning:

                          After months of analysis, headlines, debates, commercials, polls and more we’re finally on the brink of Election Day. On Nov. 8, just a few days from now, Americans will vote for senators, governors, House members and other offices from coast to coast.

                          These contests will determine which governing philosophy controls the country for the next two years. It will also lay the foundation for the presidential election in 2024 (that campaign starts the day after the midterm election). Everything that citizens, investors and markets care about is on the line.

                          BREAKING: Brazilian President Plans Presser Tonight – Will Announce Military Audit of Controversial Election, May Arrest Criminal Judges


                            by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

                            Brazilian protesters shut down the road to the airport in Sao Paulo following the controversial election on Sunday night.

                            Socialist Lula da Silva allegedly defeated Jair Bolsonaro in the election Sunday.

                            Matthew Tyrmand joined Steve Bannon on Tuesday to discuss the latest developments following the controversial election in Brazil on Sunday.

                            India’s PM says 5G rollout will help boost the use of surveillance


                              by Ken Macon, Reclaim The Net:

                              Facial recognition, automatic number plate recognition tech, and drones.

                              While addressing home ministers of state on internal security issues, ’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that states should not let budget constraints get in the way of technological advances and that the rollout of 5G technology will improve surveillance efforts.

                              Modi warned that criminals have globalized and “we need to be ten steps ahead.” He added that interstate and international crimes have increased.

                              Well, Conspiracy No More – Leaked DHS Documents Show Portal Connections Where Govt Officials Backchannel Instructions to Social Media Engineers and Conduct Surveillance


                                from The Conservative Treehouse:

                                Before getting to the latest revelation/evidence which affirms CTH research for multiple years, let me just remind everyone of the commonsense aspect.  If the Dept of Homeland Security (DHS) was actually doing what I have long said it appeared they were doing, then…

                                …The databases of the identified social media platforms appear to be integrated with the U.S. intelligence system.  This relationship makes the U.S government a stakeholder in the financial sustainability of the enterprise(s).  Thus, a collaborative effort to financially subsidize the underlying data processing fits the mutual benefit scenario.  ~ Sundance