Friday, September 20, 2024

Washington Egged on by Its Neoconservatives Has Concluded that Putin Has No Stomach for War beyond a Limited Police Action


    by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

    The Kremlin’s demonstrated inability to take proactive and decisive action has convinced Washington there is nothing to fear from Putin and that Russia can be defeated in Ukraine.  Indeed, the UK media takes for granted that Ukraine will defeat Russia.  Here is the latest headline: “The West Needs a Plan for when Ukraine wins.” 

    Biden’s recent trip was to shore up the Eastern flank of NATO in anticipation of renewed action against Russia. If the Biden regime favored a peaceful settlement, Biden would not have bothered to meet in Warsaw with the leaders of Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Czech Republic and Bulgaria.  There would be no need for Biden to go to Kiev to show American support for Zelensky.  

    Episode 2546: Pounding At The Door Of WW3


      from Bannons War Room:

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      STUDY: Green tea, black tea and matcha tea found to suppress dioxin toxicity


        by Lance D Johnson, Natural News:

        If the Department of Transportation does not take hazardous materials seriously when trains are derailed; if the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) does not make it a priority to protect communities from carcinogens like dioxins; then it’s up to the people to protect their bodies from the negligence of government and industry.

        Thankfully, scientific literature provides evidence that green tea, black tea, and matcha tea suppress dioxin toxicity. In much the same way that vitamin D, vitamin C, and licorice root extracts could have been delivered to communities during covid-19 outbreaks, these medicinal teas could be shipped to residents of East Palestine, Ohio and other heavily exposed areas to help protect people from the many diseases caused by dioxins.

        PSYOP-CLIMATE-CHANGE: 300 Years of Global Warming With or Without Industrial CO2


        by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World, 2nd smartest Guy in the World:

        The same cabal that invented the laughable term “fossil fuels” for their fraudulent “peak oil” narrative in order to extract ever more profits for their energy companies through false scarcity, are now escalating their “climate change” con to impose their electric vehicle (EV) takeover.

        Like all things “climate change,” the EV push is total reality inversion that takes the whole green movement to the next level by not just attempting to severely limit the global economic driving force of abiotic fuels, but by also forcing a far more expensive technology with far greater CO2 footprint (net positive) and far greater pollution footprint (net negative) that relies exclusively on an easily manipulated and increasingly super-fragile power grid. And the ultimate endgame for EVs is far more nefarious: this mode of transport will port directly into the social credit score system; imagine the EV without steering wheel or pedals taking you not to your intended 15 Minute City destination, but, rather, to the reeducation camp as a function of you falling short of the social credit score threshold (e.g. thoughtcrime, skipping latest GMH booster dose, etc.) as defined by the central planning technocommunist elite.



          from And We Know:

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          Republicans race to stop Biden giving WHO power over pandemic surveillance, controlling “disinformation”


            by Ken Macon, Reclaim The Net:

            The accord is expected to be finalized this week.

            Republican senators are pushing back against an accord that would give the  (WHO) power over member states if it declares a pandemic. The accord, which is legally binding on all member states, will be finalized in Switzerland this week.

            The accord will give the WHO power to declare pandemics and require member states to give the WHO the “central role” as “the directing and coordinating authority on international health work” in areas like medical supply chains, treatments and lockdowns. However, the WHO also wants more power over surveillance and controlling “disinformation and fake news” when a pandemic is declared.

            While America Suffers, Biden & Congress focus on sending Billions to Ukraine w/ Harley Schlanger


              from Sarah Westall:

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              PfizerGate Scandal: Mortality Rates reveal Shocking Truth as 2million Excess Deaths are recorded across US, UK, Europe, Canada, Australia & NZ


                by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

                The world was in a state of panic as an alleged Covid-19 pandemic swept across the globe, restricting freedom, and seeing a new dawn of global dictatorships. This took the lives of countless individuals in one way or another. Although the public was told the alleged COVID virus was to blame.

                Governments scrambled to find a solution, and soon an experimental gene therapy was developed, falsely labelled as a vaccine and rolled out on a mass scale.

                Chemical Snow Blizzard, Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News


                  from Dane Wigington:

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                  Neil Oliver, “What the Hell – We’re Rationing Tomatoes”…


                    from The Conservative Treehouse:

                    With around 4,000 miles separation, two friends of the Treehouse, Neil Oliver and Lee Smith, essentially asked me the same question this week, “how do we stop this madness?

                    It should not be an option hearing this talk about the need to secede, fracture, isolate or form smaller defensive boundaries.  WE ARE IN THE MAJORITY, they just control the power structures and systems of communication. That’s why they spend so much time, effort and attention manipulating social media. My proposed solution is to draw from history, specifically from the Polish solidarity movement.  What we need is a general two-day workers strike, highlighting to the few that the many have had enough.

                    WARNING: TECHNOCRATS WANT TO ROB YOUR PENSION! – Massive Move For The Great Reset!


                      from World Alternative Media:

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                      Prosecutor Suspended for Misgendering Trans Sociopath


                        from Moonbattery:

                        The appalling tale of James “Hannah” Tubbs has taken a turn for the still more disgusting. Readers may recall that as a reward for proclaiming himself transsexual after the crime, Tubbs was let off with a 2-year sentence in a female juvenile facility for sexually assaulting a 10-year-old girl (despite being 26 years old at the time of sentencing). Prosecutor Shea Sanna is not happy about the way Tubbs has exploited transsexual lunacy to avoid appropriate punishment. So now Soros-installed Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascon is coming down hard — on Sanna:

                        Biden, Supreme Court Move to Make It Difficult to Sue Norfolk Southern


                          by Kurt Nimmo, Kurt Nimmo on Geopolitics:

                          East Palestine, again. It is too symptomatic to be ignored.

                          How far we have come—or, rather, fallen. Once upon a time in America, corporations were required to sign a charter before doing business in a state or community. “After the nation’s founding, corporations were granted charters by the state as they are today,” writes Stephen D. Foster Jr.

                          How Covid Paves the Way for Full Climate Emergency Restrictions


                            by Will Jones, Daily Sceptic:

                            Early this week, America celebrated National Margarita Day, a joyous occasion marked by a headline in CNN that ran, ‘Why the climate crisis might be coming for your Margarita.’ Of course, this intelligence-insulting story was some made-up scare about the weather affecting ingredients that went into tequila. Welcome to the Heartland climate conference in Orlando, where debunking this kind of nonsense is the order of the day. Introducing the conference, Heartland president James Taylor noted that since 1995, tequila production had increased six-fold, and since 2018 it had doubled.