Neil Oliver, “What the Hell – We’re Rationing Tomatoes”…


    from The Conservative Treehouse:

    With around 4,000 miles separation, two friends of the Treehouse, Neil Oliver and Lee Smith, essentially asked me the same question this week, “how do we stop this madness?

    It should not be an option hearing this talk about the need to secede, fracture, isolate or form smaller defensive boundaries.  WE ARE IN THE MAJORITY, they just control the power structures and systems of communication. That’s why they spend so much time, effort and attention manipulating social media. My proposed solution is to draw from history, specifically from the Polish solidarity movement.  What we need is a general two-day workers strike, highlighting to the few that the many have had enough.

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    In his weekly monologue Neil Oliver takes the new issue of rationing vegetables in the U.K and overlays the surplus of lies that creates it.  Neil Oliver generally has exceptional insight and strong grasps on the obvious; however, this one is epic and one of his best. WATCH:

    [Transcript] – They’re rationing tomatoes in the supermarkets. We’re told it’s about supply chains, bad weather and the price of heating, but right now, in terms of the messaging, I suspect it’s more about pushing the word – rationing. Less about any believable shortage of food and more about getting us used to hearing the word.

    No doubt, if experience is anything to go by, the rest will come later. My money says the rationing app for our smartphones is already sitting on a hard drive somewhere, ready when we are.

    For now, it’s more of a familiar process of psychological manipulation. Get us acquainted with the general idea of food scarcity so that we’re well-primed when the planned reality is unrolled.

    We were given the same treatment with words like “lockdown” and “pandemic”, “mandate” and “denier”. Nudge, nudge. Rationing is a word from our parents’ and grandparents’ generation, a bit like “War in Europe” and “Fascist” and now they’re back in fashion once more. Rationing, I ask you, while the landfills swell with fresh food dumped every day.


    The manipulation is invariably about an iron hand in a velvet glove, softly, softly catchy monkey. Much of the messaging in the MSM is, and has been for years, redolent of World War II and the fabled Blitz Spirit, “We’re all in it together”, “making do”, “mustn’t grumble”, “doing our bit”, “standing up for democracy”, “defending the free world”, “sacrifice”, “keep calm and carry on”. Someone somewhere must think our heads zip up the back.

    Since I’ve mentioned the “D” word, which is democracy, why not pause for a moment to consider whether any of us has had a chance to vote, voting being that part of democracy we’re invited to think matters most, on any of this.

    Do you remember ever voting to give the government the power to lock us in our homes, to shut our children’s schools, our pubs and restaurants, shops and businesses, to tell us whom we could visit or have in our homes, whether we could go for a walk, travel within our own country, far less beyond these shores? Do you remember voting to empower employers to mandate medical procedures for their staff?

    And while we’re on the subject of propaganda, who thought to convince us it was ok to demonize and exclude healthy fellow citizens on the grounds they might be carrying an invisible disease?

    If you don’t remember whether or not you were invited to get involved in a conversation or a debate about all of this, perhaps it’s because you were, quite understandably, distracted most of the time by the bombardment of state-sanctioned messaging by politicians and the MSM.

    Or maybe you were just afraid of the guaranteed ridicule or losing your job.

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