Sunday, May 19, 2024

The Draft of the WHO Pandemic Treaty Promises to EQUALLY Destroy Your Rights


    by Janet Phelan, Activist Post:

    The most current draft of the pandemic treaty, released publicly on February 1, is big on “equality.” To make it clear, the writers don’t want anyone to feel left out — small countries, Third World countries, marginalized populations — we are all equal in the face of the Mighty Germ and its Countermeasures.

    This equality stuff is taken to extremes, however. Let’s take a look at Article 14, titled Protection of Human Rights. As the whole concept of a “one size fits all” global treaty to mandate uniform responses to a centrally declared pandemic is utterly at odds with the very concept of human rights, I sat up and started paying close attention.



      from The Last American Vagabond:

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      The Side of Russian News No American Hears Of


        by Phil Butler, New Eastern Outlook:

        At a time when the United States, the EU, and aligned NATO countries are attempting to eradicate Russia, something extraordinary is happening. Several amazing things are taking place. One, a program for citizens of the U.S. to study at every level at Russian universities, is particularly ironic.

        NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg recently addressed the western world elites at Davos, Switzerland, about the “threat” Russia represents to the world. At the same meetup of the crazy capitalistic cabal, EU President Ursula von der Leyen begged private financiers to fund Ukraine’s Zelensky to defeat Russia, once and for all. Meanwhile, in Moscow, the Russian government is advertising to fill the 2023-2024 academic year quota for a free education process for some foreigners.

        WELCOME TO THE NWO GULAG — James Perloff


        from SGT Report:

        James Perloff returns to SGT Report to expose the United Nations Agenda 2030 New World Order World Economic Forum plan for 15-minute gulags where human freedom will go to die.

        PERVERT ALERT: Jacksonville Mayoral Candidate and Chamber of Commerce President Runs Child Sexualization Training


          by Shane Trejo, Big League Politics:

          Daniel Davis, a candidate for Mayor of Jacksonville, Fla in the coming March elections and CEO of the Jacksonville Chamber of Commerce, is hosting child sexualization trainings run by a disgraced and defunded LGBT youth organization, according to original reporting from the Central Florida Post.

          The LGBT youth group Jasmyn had their contract with the Duval County Public Schools revoked because of their sexualization of children. They were exposing children to dildos as part of their “Penis Game.” A photo of that game can be seen below:

          Craig Hemke: Summer of 2023 could be great for gold and silver, In 2010 silver tripled…


            from GoldSeek Radio:

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            Chinese Spy Balloons: Potential Purposes For The High Altitude Invasion


              by Brandon Smith, Alt Market:

              My home state of Montana was recently featured in news feeds this week as the first to observe and identify what the US Air Force says is a Chinese spy balloon. The Chinese claim it is a civilian weather apparatus that was blown off course and they expressed “regret” for the event, but the equipment visible in photographs suggests that this is a lie. Beyond that, another similar balloon has been spotted over Latin America – One wayward high tech Chinese balloon might be believable, but two is not a coincidence.

              There are numerous theories as to why such a surveillance platform would be used by the CCP and what it is designed to look for, and I thought I would offer a couple theories based on my years of study into similar projects pursued by the US Department of Defense and DARPA.



                from Dr. Jane Ruby:

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                Hot Air: No Global Warming for Eight Years


                  by Catherine Salgado, PJ Media:

                  Recently published data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) shows that there has not been global warming for the past eight years. And NASA satellite data reportedly confirms that evidence, showing no global warming for eight years and five months, according to JunkScience’s Steve Milloy. But leftists are quick to warn people against drawing the obvious conclusion that the world isn’t about to become a burning ball of fire.

                  UK’s “Nudge Unit” recommends various online psychological manipulations when people shop and travel to push a “net zero society”


                    by Paul Joseph Watson, Summit News:

                    The Behavioural Insights Team (BIT) – started by the UK government to then in late 2021 become owned by Nesta, which describes itself as an independent charity focused on innovation – has a new report out.

                    And while its authors present it as a useful “guide” toward building “a net zero society,” what observers critical of this content have taken away from it is that it is promoting, and detailing, various forms of psychological manipulation of people.

                    WarRoom Battleground 227: Technocrats Want Humanity To Pray To Machines


                      from Bannons War Room:

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                      Covid Related News: ICD codes have been changed to track uninjected people and Bill Gates isn’t entirely sure whether he’s God


                        by Rhoda Wilson, Daily Expose:

                        Bill Gates avoided answering whether he’s God when asked by an interviewer on BBC.  The US Government is using a change in ICD codes to track people who chose not to have a covid injection. There has been a low uptake of bivalent boosters so the FDA is trying a new vaccine strategy. And the World Health Organisation (“WHO”) says the covid pandemic is “probably at a transition point.”

                        There’s big news out of Thailand.  Tragically the Princess of Thailand has been vaccine-injured and is still in a coma.  Thai officials are now looking to declare the Government’s contract with Pfizer-BioNTech null and void.

                        Below is a collection of recent articles about news stories, some of which are mentioned above, that you may have missed.

                        Everything LEADS to MILITARY intervention, Reformed FBI, DOJ, JORDAN on FIRE! PRAY!


                          from And We Know:

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                          New Laws Allow Pharma to Make All Decisions for Patients


                            by Dr. Joseph Mercola, Mercola:

                            STORY AT-A-GLANCE
                            • The 2023 omnibus appropriations bill includes 19 lines that could give the U.S. Food and Drug Administration the power to ban off-label use of approved medications
                            • If the little-noticed provision is passed, doctors’ ability to freely treat patients, and patients’ ability to use all available treatments after making an informed decision, will be lost
                            • The amendment puts the FDA, and by proxy Big Pharma, at the helm of powerful health care decisions that should be made on an individual, personalized level between a patient and their health care provider

                            WAYNE ROOT: Do You Accept a 35% Higher Chance of Dying Today? Well Then I Have Life-or-Death News About the Covid Vaccine For You.


                            by Wayne Allyn Root, The Gateway Pundit:

                            By Wayne Allyn Root

                            This story is truly incredible and shocking. But then again, I see dozens of shocking stories every week about the data from around the world regarding the Covid vaccine. They’re eye opening. They’re frightening. They all suggest that millions of people have died, and many more are sick and dying as I write this, not from Covid, but from the Covid vaccine.