Monday, June 17, 2024

Warning Shot! POLITICO Trashes Zelensky’s ‘Authoritarian’ Record, Says He’s Susceptible to ‘Color Revolution’ Too.


    by Jack Montgomery, The National Pulse:

    POLITICO has published a lengthy article criticizing President Volodymyr Zelensky’s record, highlighting his “authoritarian” tendencies, and warning of “another Maidan” – possibly signaling that the Western media-political class believe the Ukrainian leader has grown too big for his boots.



      from FireMedic8:

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      The 45 Communist Goals Were Just The Initial Blueprint To Take Over America – What We Are Watching Happen Now Is The Endgame: Total Destruction Of The U.S.


        by Susan Duclos, All News Pipeline:

        We have previously discussed the 45 communist goals, described in the novel The Naked Communist, written by W. Cleon Skousen, and resonated so profoundly with Congressman Albert S. Herlong Jr. (Democrat), that in 1963 he read the list into the Congressional Record.

        While a few of those goals are outdated, the majority of the remaining goals have been implemented and used to bring America to the brink of all out communism.

        There is an embed below for those that have not read through the entire list of 45 communist goals, and below that we go over real life examples of what those goals have already done to America.

        Get Woke, Go Broke: Bed Bath & Beyond Files for Bankruptcy – Company Threw Conservatives Under the Bus and Dropped MyPillow Products


          by Cullen Linebarger, The Gateway Pundit:

          One of America’s most prominent companies filed for bankruptcy today after previously caving to the radical left and dropping MyPillow.

          Bed Bath & Beyond officially became a perfect symbol of the saying “get woke and go broke.”

          CNBC reported:



            from Mark Dice:

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            Maher: ‘Crime Is Kind of out of Control’ and New York’s Justice System Is ‘a Turnstile’


              by Ian Hanchett, Breitbart:

              On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher stated that “It seems like crime is kind of out of control” and the crime situation in New York can’t be controlled unless they stop their justice system from being “a turnstile.”

              Maher said, “It seems like crime is kind of out of control. I was reading that, in New York, a third of all the shoplifting cases are by 327 people, in a city of 8 million, because they keep getting returned to the streets, which has to be terrible for the morality — morale of the cops, that they keep arresting people and the same people — it’s Groundhog Day for them. I know they have — we have problems with the cops, I’ve certainly not been shy about talking about them on this show, but I don’t understand how we’re going to get this situation under control unless they feel like what they do has some meaning as opposed to just a turnstile.”

              Bill Gates Foresees AI Taking Over For Teachers


                by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:

                Artificial intelligence is looking to rule to the world, and Bill Gates believes it’s on its way to replacing teachers. “The AIs will get to that ability to be as good a tutor as any human ever could,” the Microsoft co-founder said at the ASU+GSV Summit in San Diego on April 18th.

                Gates made the comments within the context of a much larger conversation about the future role of technology in education with Jessie Woolley-Wilson, the CEO of DreamBox Learning, according to a report by The Epoch Times. 

                “AI has, ever since the focus became machine learning, it’s achieved some unbelievable milestones,” Gates told Woolley-Wilson. “You know, it can listen to speech and recognize speech better than humans. It can recognize images and videos better than humans. The area that it was essentially useless in was in reading and writing. You could not take, say, a biology textbook and read it and pass the AP exam.”



                  from JustInformed Talk:

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                  The Senate Report on COVID-19 Origins Disregards the Most Important Question


                    by Daisy Luther, The Organic Prepper:

                    A Special Report by Brian Duff and Daisy Luther

                    Slightly more than three years after the name “COVID-19” was coined for a novel coronavirus that infected the world, we still have more questions than answers. A bombshell report has just been released by the U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. The report, Muddy Waters: The Origins of Covid, is the result of an almost two-year, bipartisan investigation into the origins of the COVID virus. The group was led by U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. (R-Kansas). You can read the entire 302-page document yourself at this link.



                      from The Salty Cracker:

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                      Election 2024 Trump & Kennedy? Or the Cartel’s Great Depression?


                        by Helena Glass, Lew Rockwell:

                        Wading into the 2024 fray of candidates, the most striking intrigue is Bobby Kennedy Jr.   Displaying all the good and some of the not so good characteristics of the Kennedy family, Bobby Kennedy’s decision has the potential to completely obliterate the democrat party as it is currently defined.   In reality, of course, there is absolutely nothing democratic about the Democrat Party and they should reclaim their roots as the Communist Party of Bolsheviks.   Kennedy is old school Democrat Party…

                        David Stockman on Why Decades of Inflationary Finance Are Finally Coming Home to Roost


                          by David Stockman, International Man:

                          Eventually, the inflationary credit emitted by the Fed works its way through the global economy and comes home to roost in the form of reduced domestic output and rising prices. In this regard, there is no more powerful tell than the round trip of the PCE deflator for durable goods during the past 28 years.

                          As shown in the chart below, prices for durable goods, which are now mostly manufactured abroad, plunged continuously and by a staggering 40% between early 1995 and the Covid-Lockdown bottom in Q2 2020. There is no broad-scale deflationary gale quite like it in all of recorded history.

                          The RESTRICT Act is the final TYRANNY nail in the coffin of the crumbling republic


                            from Health Ranger Report:

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                            Food Issues in the Arab World


                              by Viktor Mikhin, New Eastern Outlook:

                              As a result of the West’s hostility, the Arab world has significant hurdles in its efforts to abolish hunger and all forms of malnutrition, as well as to make sure everyone has access to sufficient and cheap healthy food. This is due to a variety of challenges and other events currently beyond the Arab states’ direct control. Many of these issues stem from a colonial past in which the Arabs were colonized in some fashion by Britain, France, and Spain. The consequences of these difficulties and variables, however, have had a substantial influence on the population, prompting national governments to provide basic food security through subsidies and other forms of aid. Still, due to the complicated climate of turmoil regularly created by Western countries led by the US, this kind of approach becomes a challenging policy instrument, a situation aggravated by the limited financial space.