
    by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star:

    E.G. and V.T. both spotted this article about 17 OOPARTS that suggest there was a civilization right here on Earth prior to the rise of modern man, which, according to the current quackademic narrative, was ca. 200,000 years ago.  I say “quackademic”, because according to that same narrative,  y chromosomal Adam was around for a few thousands of years longer than mitochondrial Eve leaving one to wonder just what was going on without an appeal to certain ancient texts that no one wants to take seriously, even though “they” provided the terms “y chromosomal Adam” and “mitochondrial Eve” all by themselves, and without any assistance from the Pope, who doesn’t seem to be the type who reads old texts predating Karl Marx anyway.  And in case you’re wondering just what the heck an OOPART is, it is an “Out Of Place Artifact”, a “something that shouldn’t be there but is.”

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    And there’s a nice catalogue of them in this short article, and hence my reason for sharing it with you:

    17 Out-of-Place Artifacts That Suggest High-Tech Civilizations Existed Thousands—or Millions—of Years Ago

    Now, for the record, you can definitely put me in the “believers” column here, because I do believe that there was such a civilization, and that our current efforts at the same spring from it. I also think that there’s enough evidence from around our solar system to suggest that that civilization may have been interplanetary. And finally, no, I am not a believer in the current quackademic narrative, without some profound modifications to that narrative. One of those modifications would be with respect to items number 14, 9, 8, and 3: the 1.8 billion year old nuclear reactor, the drill bit found encased in coal, the tiny spheres, found in Africa, that are 2.8 billion years old and yet of obvious manufacture with their three parallel groves, and “Rama’s bridge” between India and Sri Lanka, a “structure” geologists say is about 1,000,000 years old.

    These are just a few of the OOPARTS that people have uncovered, and one of the most thorough and mind-boggling, noodle-baking, brain twisting compendia of such artifacts is Michael Cremo’s and Richard Thompson’s Forbidden Archaeology, a nine-hundred page tome that catalogues and discusses some of these OOPARTS: from ancient coins found in geological strata 235,000 years old that were clearly made with a mill press, to steel pipes discovered in chalk mines in France, again hundreds of thousands of years old, to the above-mentioned spheres with groves found in Africa.

    What’s interesting to contemplate is that my “list” is a challenge to the narrative: if one accepts the genuineness of these OOPARTS, then someone was clearly here long before we, “modern man”, were, and whoever they were, they were building things…

    …like nuclear reactors maybe.

    Who were they? Because of certain other stories, our ancestors maybe, probably… our “genetic cousins” as I sometimes like to say.

    What is remarkable is that all of this has been mentioned in story after story, from the Bible to the Vedas, from Sumer to Saigon, Anchorage to Angkor Wat, from Norway to the Nile.

    Those texts also tell other tales as well, tales of genetic manipulations of life into grotesque and twisted forms, of the mastery of life and death such that life itself drug on and on in an apathetic misery and the great evil that comes of boredom and listlessness which we’re seeing a lot of again today, of titanic wars and colossal destruction and loss of life…

    The OOPARTS are there.  They exist.

    And no amount of explaining away can make them not exist. And their message is also a warning that our civilization with its technological accomplishments can end and disappear just as easily as theirs did. In other words, those old texts, and their stories – which were probably already very old when they were finally written down – are also Out of Place Artifacts, and its time to read their stories in the light of the artifacts mentioned in this article.  It’s time to take those stories seriously.

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