What have they done? Government confirms COVID Vaccination INCREASES risk of Death in all Age-Groups


    by Rhoda Wilson, Daily Expose:

    The United Kingdom’s Office for National Statistics “the UK’s largest independent producer of official statistics and its recognised national statistical institute” has quietly released substantial data on the COVID-19 vaccines.

    Despite containing some of the most detailed breakdowns of the relationship between the COVID-19 vaccines and mortality available, it has gone almost unnoticed.

    I will try to present this data here using easily understood and transparent methods. With that said, the official UK Government data indicates substantially increased mortality rates in many individuals vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccines, over the unvaccinated.

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    All-Cause Mortality by Vaccination Status: Analysis of UK Office for National Statistics Data

    Table 1 of the dataset“Monthly age-standardised mortality rates by vaccination status for all deaths, deaths involving COVID-19 and deaths not involving COVID-19, per 100,000 person-years, England; deaths occurring between 1 January 2021 and 31 January 2022”looks as follows.

    The significant column is “age-standardised mortality rate / 100,000 person years”. It is age standardized to minimize statistical problems with different amounts of vaccine uptake in different age brackets (more on that shortly). The number was calculated using person years, so it can be understood as the expected number of deaths yearly per 100,000 population within the appropriate category.

    There is data in this document for all-cause, COVID-19, and non-COVID-19 deaths. Looking at all cause deaths shows if vaccines are having a net positive or negative effect, so that is what we will do. As an extreme example if per 100,000 people vaccines killed 999 from adverse events, but saved 1000 from COVID-19, the vaccinated group still would have a lower all cause mortality rate than the unvaccinated.

    If the January rate charted above held for a year, we would expect:

    • 2502.9 deaths over the year per 100,000 unvaccinated
    • 1,330.1 deaths over the year per 100,000 with 1 dose less than 21 days ago
    • 1,718.5 deaths over the year per 100,000 with 1 dose at least 21 days ago
    • 265.6 deaths over the year per 100,000 with 2 doses less than 21 days ago
    • 166.1 deaths over the year per 100,000 with 2 doses at least 21 days ago

    This is the effect nearly everyone expects the COVID-19 vaccines to have. The data shows an over 90% reduction in mortality rate for those who took 2 doses at least 21 days ago. Keep in mind these are all-cause deaths. At the time there was a substantial likelihood COVID-19 would have been the expected cause of death, for any unvaccinated deaths.

    That was the earliest data in the set, January 2021. Now look at the chart of latest data in the set, January 2022.

    The all-cause mortality rate is substantially higher in those with 1 or 2 doses than those unvaccinated. That does not seem like it could possibly be correct. Was it just some type of year end accounting artifact?

    Lets plot the entire dataset as a timeline.

    As we know in January 2021, those vaccinated with 1 and 2 doses have lower mortality rates than unvaccinated. But then in May 2021 those vaccinated with 1 dose ‘at least 21 days ago’, start to have a higher mortality rate than unvaccinated. In October 2021, those vaccinated with 2 doses ‘at least 6 months ago’ start to have a higher mortality rate than unvaccinated. They are followed in November 2021 by those with 2 doses ‘at least 21 days ago’. In addition, the mortality rate of those vaccinated with 3 doses is consistently getting closer to that of unvaccinated. All these trends continue through the end of the dataset in January 2022.

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