by Stacy Liberatore, Daily Mail:
- The Senate passed an Act that would require disclosure of UFO evidence
- The Act would give government offices 300 days to collect records
- A review board would then look at records before going public
- READ MORE: US Congress held bombshell UFO hearing
The government could be forced to disclose if aliens have visited Earth under new legislation.
The Senate passed an amendment in July that will be part of the National Defense Authorization (NDAA) for 2024.
Known as the Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) Discloser Act, it says Government agencies with records, samples of craft or ‘biological’ material must hand it over within 300 days.
President Joe Biden will have 90 days to appoint a nine-person Review Board responsible for investigating each record and determining if they are considered UAPs that should be disclosed to the public.
Any government agency possessing such records will be required to hand over printed and digital copies to the board, which has 180 days to investigate and 14 days to publish their findings.
The president, however, can vote against disclosing specific evidence if it poses a national threat.

The Senate passed the Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) Discloser Act in July, requiring government offices to hand over all UAP records no later than 300 days after the amendment’s enactment date
Step One: The President forms the Review Board
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, a Democrat, has teamed up with Senator Mike Rounds, a Republican, in leading an effort to force the disclosure of information relating to what the government officially calls ‘unidentified anomalous phenomena.’
Their proposal is modeled after a 1992 US law spelling out the handling of records related to the 1963 assassination of President John Kennedy.
‘For decades, many Americans have been fascinated by objects mysterious and unexplained, and it’s long past time they get some answers,’ Schumer said in a July statement, adding that the public ‘has a right to learn about technologies of unknown origins, non-human intelligence and unexplainable phenomena.’
The president is tasked with nominating nine individuals to stand on the Review Board.
This must be completed within 90 days of the enactment of the Act.
Recommendations will come from leaders of the Senate, the Hosue of Representatives, the Secretary of Defense, the UAP Disclosure Foundation, The American Historical Associate and The National Academy of Sciences.
These individuals may not have any previous or current involvement with any legacy program or controlling authority related to the collection.
The Act defines ‘legacy program’ as all Federal State and local government, commercial industry, academic, and private sector endeavors to collect, exploit, or reverse engineer technologies of unknown origin or examine bio10 logical evidence of living or deceased non-human intelligence that pre-dates the Act’s enactment.