U.S. Asks For Immunity in MK-ULTRA Mind Control Case in Canada Court


    from InfoWars:

    CIA helped fund mind control experiments at the Allan Memorial Institute in Montreal, and the victims have filed a class-action lawsuit seeking damages.

    The U.S. government is arguing for immunity in a case in Quebec, Canada, dealing with its MK-ULTRA mind control program.

    The U.S. government had successfully argued in Aug. 2022 in the Quebec Superior Court that it couldn’t be sued for its MK-ULTRA experiments, which included electroshocks and sleep deprivation, between the 1940s and 1960s.

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    But a classaction lawsuit filed by victims of brainwashing experiments that took place at Montreal’s Allan Memorial Institute appealed that ruling to remove immunity protection.

    From CBC:

    On Thursday, a lawyer representing the United States government told the Quebec Court of Appeal that the country should be immune from prosecution and that any lawsuit against the U.S. government should be filed in that country.

    The court case stems from a class-action lawsuit filed against McGill University — which was affiliated to the psychiatric hospital — Montreal’s Royal Victoria Hospital and the Canadian and U.S. governments after Montrealers allegedly had their memories erased and were reduced to childlike states.

    Class-action lawyer Jeff Orenstein said Thursday he believes Canada’s 1982 State Immunity Act, which outlines how foreign states can be sued in the country, is retroactive and can apply in this case.

    He said the 1982 act allows foreign states to be sued in cases of bodily injury.

    “But this took place in the 1950s and ’60s,” Orenstein told reporters, regarding the psychological experiments. “And so the exception had not been in effect during that period so (the U.S.) argued that the old law would prevail and the old law was absolute immunity.”

    “We don’t think that Canadian citizens who are injured on Canadian soil are required to go to the United States to sue,” the lawyer added.

    MK-ULTRA was an illegal joint venture between the CIA and the Canadian government from 1953-1973 aimed at researching and applying covert mind control techniques.

    The lawsuit, filed in 2019, claims that the Canadian government funded psychiatric treatments by Dr. Ewen Cameron at the Allan Memorial Institute between 1948 and 1964.

    77 victims subjected to the mind control experiments, such as chemically-induced comas, torture techniques, sleep deprivation and electroshock, received compensation from the Canadian government in 1992.

    But neither the Canadian government, the CIA, nor any of the health clinics involved with the Allan Memorial Institute experiments have issued formal apologies.

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