Trudeau Liberals asked Facebook and Twitter to censor news


    by Keean Bexte, The Counter Signal:

    The Trudeau Liberals asked Twitter and Facebook to censor a 2021 news article on immigration, but the social media companies denied the request.

    Conservative MP Dean Allison discovered the feds’ censorship attempt through a written request in Parliament.

    On September 27, 2021, the Department of Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada asked both of the tech giants to remove a Toronto Sun article. The feds cited factual errors as the reason for the request.

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    The specific article was unnamed in the documents obtained by Allison. However, one day before the request, Lorne Gunter of the Sun wrote a piece titled ‘Liberals to make immigration to Canada much easier.’

    Gunter’s article came from “documents that have been exclusively shared with the Sun.

    The article said that immigration and refugee intake was loosening up so much that any appeal with an “intersectional” claim would be automatically accepted into Canada.

    “Intersectionality theory” was cooked up by Kimberlé Crenshaw in the 1980’s, and has since been latched on to by woke academics. The theory assigns multiple “identities” to individuals – primarily based on immutable factors such as skin colour and gender.

    An intersectional claim or status, according to the theory, is one who suffers in life because of their intersecting “oppressed” identities, such as someone who has dark skin and is a woman.

    “No longer will claimants need to prove, for instance, that they face torture or death if forced to return to their home countries,” Gunter wrote, just one day before the feds requested a Sun article be censored.

    “Nor will they have to satisfy the UN’s definition of a ‘refugee,’” he added.

    Allison’s documents further reveal the Trudeau Liberals asked for social media content to be censored 214 times between January 2020 and February 2023. Many of these requests pertained to individuals impersonating a politician.

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