The Dominoes, They Be Fallin’


    by Karl Denninger, Market Ticker:

    Jacob Chansley, the so-called Jan 6th Shaman, has been released from prison 14 months early after video evidence which was withheld from the defense and the jury proved that he was escorted by police officers into the US Capitol.

    It is not a crime to go in a place where the police help you to be when it is their job to guard said place.

    The FBI and DOJ either knew or the complaining “witness”, that being Congress, deliberately obstructed and manufactured the alleged “crime” of which he was charged and convicted.  Which it is has yet to be determined but that multiple members of the police force at the Capitol knew this had occurred and did nothing to interdict the unjust charge is documented fact.  The only question at this point is which primary guilty party they were accessories before and after the fact to, not whether they were.

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    It will be quite interesting to see what comes out of this series of revelations, which quite-clearly aren’t over.

    Malicious prosecution is a thing, and its a crime.  It also exposes the actor(s) involved to both compensatory and punitive damages and when a government entity is involved the government employee’s near-absolute shield against same evaporates as malicious actions are not within their remit and thus their qualified immunity is pierced by such action.

    Yes, that includes members of Congress along with the Capitol Police officers involved who knowingly did not come forward.

    I suspect this will get quite-interesting as a whole lot of those people have little but people in Congress and government employees typically have quite a lot, and with only a few exceptions (the states around DC are not them either) your personal residence is not protected in a bankruptcy that results from such a judgment either.

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