Our Guns Protect Us Against Tyranny


    by Lew Rockwell, Lew Rockwell:

    You can be sure that brain-dead Biden and his gang of neocon controllers will use the latest school shooting to try to restrict our right to own guns, despite the fact that the right to keep and bear arms is guaranteed by the Second Amendment. They will say, “AR-15s and AK-47s are military-style weapons. People shouldn’t be allowed to own them.” But we need weapons like this to protect us from a tyrannical government.

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    As Michael Gaddy pointed out when Obama was president, “’Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed; as they are in almost every kingdom in Europe. The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops that can be, on any pretence, raised in the United States. A military force, at the command of Congress, can execute no laws, but such as the people perceive to be just and constitutional; for they will possess the power, and jealousy will instantly inspire the inclination, to resist the execution of a law which appears to them unjust and oppressive.’

    ~ Noah Webster

    While we stumble along economically with bailouts, buyouts, and poor sales in almost all sectors, two products in America are seeing dramatic increases in sales: guns and ammo. People who never owned a gun before are buying; people are buying multiples of military style weapons and ammo is being bought by the case instead of by the box.

    Many explain this away as folks simply worried that Obama will move to ban certain firearms, especially those referred to by the ignorant as ‘assault weapons,’ I believe the motivation to buy firearms and ammunition goes much deeper.

    More and more Americans are becoming increasingly aware of the storm that is brewing on the horizon, a storm driven by the possibility of a complete economic collapse.

    The more astute are reading the handwriting on the wall: military combat units being assigned for stateside duty to quell domestic disturbances, a militarization of law enforcement, and the fear of what will happen when the state is no longer able to provide monthly checks to the millions currently living on government handouts labeled as ‘entitlements.’

    Americans are purchasing firearms and ammunition in record numbers, not because they believe 2009 will offer unusually good duck hunting, but because they fear the fallout from the coming economic storm and the state’s reaction to that fallout.

    The larger question is: how many of those who have gone out and purchased firearms and ammo will actually use them? I believe a large number would bring those weapons to bear against criminals who would steal and threaten their families and property, but, how many would use them against the criminal state as it moves to seize their weapons, as was done in New Orleans, when the next ‘emergency’ occurs, be it an economic meltdown or terrorist attack?

    Rest assured, there will be a great majority who will not stand against tyranny. Those who have ‘gone along to get along’ and those who have continually voted for the ‘lesser of two evils’ will capitulate and surrender their weapons, as cowards normally do. They will rue the day they failed to support those who stood for liberty such as Ron Paul. Remember, they were offered liberty, but chose instead to support the status quo, because, in their eyes, liberty could not be elected.

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