O’Keefe Strikes Again! – ‘Rapists in Our Rooms’ – Insider Footage Shows Female Inmate Distressed Over Transgender Assaults on Women (VIDEO)


    by Cristina Laila, The Gateway Pundit:

    O’Keefe strikes again!

    O’Keefe Media Group released insider footage of a Washington Corrections Center For Women inmate.

    The footage shines light on male inmates inside the women’s prison claiming to be transgender.

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    “Rapists, murderers, child rapists, and men who have killed women in our rooms,” the insider said.

    “I know there’s some having sex with women,” the inmate said.

    “…Somehow in this institution, they are adopting ways to apply these so-called mandated laws, that came out of no where to prohibit segregation for certain individuals,” the inmate said. ” Usually sex offenders are not in general population…some of these men are not confused. They’re just manipulating the system.”

    The inmate said the transgenders get special treatment.


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