‘Mega-batch’ of contaminated Pfizer COVID jabs killed 2 children, injured 1,200: researcher


    by Patrick Delaney, LifeSite News:

    A new study reveals that a large “mega-batch” of Pfizer gene-based COVID injectable product “targeted at children” has killed two ten-year-old boys and injured at least 1,264 youngsters.

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    A March 31 report by Sasha Latypova — a former pharmaceutical executive turned researcher — highlighted a study performed by Medicinal Genomics (MG) that discovered and documented DNA contamination in Pfizer “mega-batch” number FL8095, which was marketed to children between the ages of 5 and 11.

    MG’s chief science officer Kevin McKernan reported their findings, describing that the study was limited to surveying eight pictured vials of the product which came from the same case as well. Yet their sequencing analysis found each vial failed European Medicines Agency “specification of 3030:1 RNA:DNA,” to the extent they are “over the limit by an order of magnitude (18-70 fold).”

    “The DNA contamination is very consistent and the vial to vial ratio of RNA:DNA is very consistent” among the vials, McKernan wrote.

    Latypova explains that such “DNA is a process-related impurity which comes from growing DNA in plasmids in ecoli bacteria as the first step of manufacturing. The DNA then gets converted into modified RNA via in-vitro transcription. Sort of. A bunch of it does not get removed completely and ends up all the way through in the final product.”

    “Since large amounts of DNA end up in the final product in vials, it is highly likely that many other contaminants are there, including ecoli, endotoxins, and any other extraneous materials and chemicals used along the way,” she explained.

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