Indicting Trump is the End of US Politics


    by Tom Luongo, Tom Luongo:

    So, the Democrats and their Davos benefactors have finally done it. They have finally found something they can indict President Donald Trump on. Apparently 34 somethings, which makes for great headlines.

    The usual suspects have been thrown their chum — both TDS patients and MAGAtards. The social media war is now in full swing. And, frankly, it couldn’t be more tiresome.

    A few get why this is so inane but most are focused (or being focused) on the wrong thing, as always.

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    Jonathan Turley has a good rundown of the questionable legality of this case. But, again, while he’s not wrong to focus on that and the shady politics, he also misses the larger implications of this indictment.

    This is a case so legally tenuous that even the Federal Government, famous for being able to convict a ham sandwich, wouldn’t touch it with a 10-foot pole.

    Because indicting Trump for any of these petty things is nothing less than the end of politics and a declaration of civil war.

    Davos through the Democrats have been running a culture war for decades to stamp out the past. It is quite Leninist. Turley and others have focused on it’s ‘just not done’ to indict a President, especially something as irrelevant as paying hush money to Stormy Daniels.

    But, ‘just not done’ is exactly the thing being indicted here, not Trump. Trump is just the fulcrum on which all of this rests.

    This is just the politics of envy taken to its ultimate conclusion. Racism, sexism, ageism, transphobia, LGBTQT+BBQ Sauce rights are all the same political position. They are all about tearing down the old institutional order.

    It’s been going on for generations, invading male spaces like Augusta National, forcing female reporters in locker rooms, endlessly arguing the wage gap between men and women.

    Of course, these same people can no longer even define the women whose rights they fight for.

    Is the latest term ‘people who menstruate,’ or is that just so last week?

    I thought I was supposed to still wear my mask in my electric car to fight for the rights of Ukrainian men to get pregnant while fighting for freedumb from Putler!

    So forgive me if I’m a little confused.

    This is a perspective that reduces society to whatever we did before was wrong. Progress in the minds of religious puritan Progressives is a never-ending battle against sin. Yesterday is forever evil while Tomorrow holds the promise of heaven on earth.

    In the South we just call these people Yankees and go back to eating our barbeque and playing with our kids.

    That sin is stratification as a result of rewarding merit. But what is merit to people who view all profit as exploitation?

    You can answer that however you wish, but by their actions it’s clear they believe merit is stealing.

    This is why “you didn’t build that,” you “basket of deplorables.’ Anything you have earned can and should be taken from you for wrongthink.

    And that’s what’s at the heart of this Trump indictment. Trump is the distillation of everything they need to tear down to validate their envy. He’s white, male, politically connected, a little corrupt, very cheesy and the antithesis of what middle-class bicoastal midwits believe they should be.


    They hate Trump not because he’s successful but because our society allowed for him to become successful.

    To the progressive midwit, any society that allows a man like Donald Trump to rise like he did needs to be destroyed.

    Is it really any different than the teenager who rebels to become an atheist because s/h/ze finally asked how can a god allow such evil in the world to exist if he has the power to stop it?

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