WHO pushes for a One World Government by issuing guidance to national parliamentarians


    by Rhoda Wilson, Daily Expose:

    Yesterday, World Health Organisation Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus announced “with great pleasure” a joint project of the IPU Parliament and WHO, “which can guide parliamentarians along the path towards health for all, including on law-making, finance, taxation and accountability.”

    A few days ago, we published an article warning that the World Health Organisation (“WHO”) aims to begin installing a One World Government under the guise of global health security.  If you didn’t believe us then, this latest development should convince you now.

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    IPU Parliament claims to “empower parliaments and parliamentarians to promote peace, democracy and sustainable development.” Out of 190 parliaments in the world, 178 national parliaments are members of IPU. The Inter-Parliamentary Union (“IPU”) began in 1889 by Englishman William Randal Cremer and Frenchman Frédéric Passy.  You can read more about the history of IPU HERE.

    And WHO is a private organisation, a puppet organisation that is funded by Globalist billionaires. Bill Gates, along with the organisations he controls, is, by far, the largest financial contributor to WHO. Only 13% of WHO’s budget comes from assessed contributions, which are set amounts paid by member-state governments.

    All parliamentarians who want to protect citizens and their nations’ sovereignty, freedom and rights from these want-to-be global dictators should be calling for their governments to stop funding and exit the WHO.  Any who aren’t, by default, are identifying themselves as Globalists and puppets of the planned One World Government.

    Some have been already calling to #ExitTheWHO – based on the secretive negotiations taking place regarding amendments to the international health regulations and a proposed “pandemic treaty” – but this latest development should leave no one in any doubt of the dictators at WHO’s intentions.  All parliamentarians and all citizens of all nations need to join the calls to put an end to the Globalists’ dystopian dreams of a one world totalitarian state which is under the rule of a very few.

    Exit The WHO

    Over the past two weeks, the US and other members of WHO have been negotiating ways to give sweeping new powers to WHO’s Director-General. Through material changes to existing international health regulations and/or a new pandemic accord, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus would be able to declare actual or potential “public health emergencies of international concern” in any country based on privately supplied information and without the agreement of the nation(s) affected. Worse yet, he can unilaterally dictate what must be done in response.

    The idea of granting WHO and its leadership such potentially fraught authorities is all the more problematic in light of their imperious, and malfeasant, conduct at the direction of the Chinese Communist Party (“CCP”) in the course of the covid-19 pandemic. But, the approval of one or both of these agreements is likely – all other things being equal – to happen when the World Health Assembly meets in May 2023. The new WHO authorities would become provisionally binding on member states, irrespective of whether or not they ultimately endorse them.

    Especially troubling is the convergence of these initiatives with measures promoted by WHO to institute global digital identity cards to document and monitor vaccination status and other medical conditions. When combined with the proliferating introduction of central bank digital currencies (“CBDCs”), these “smart” IDs would facilitate efforts to monitor, control and enforce WHO’s diktats, and punish those who defy them.

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