from State Of The Nation:
SOTN Editor’s Note: While the following exposé is as detailed and accurate as they come, it’s important to understand that there are multiple levels of unseen worldly power situated above those delineated below. Those extremely powerful entities, which exert complete command and control over the Illuminati family bloodlines, Northern Italian Black Nobility, Khazarian Cabal, Talmudic Freemasonry, Neocon Zionists, Committee of 300, etc., operate from off-planet extraterrestrial civilizations and have been given their positions of domination over the human race … but only temporarily.
Variously known as the Archons, Annunaki, Dracos, Greys, Reptilians, Fallen Angels, etc., these different groups of quite real aliens have basically been put in charge of running Earth as a prison planet. Which meant that the entire planetary civilization had to be meticulously set up as a financial and economic penitentiary as it is today.
It’s crucial to comprehend the true breadth and depth of this once highly secret global power structure. And it’s even more critical to properly understand the genesis of the most recent version and international criminal conspiracy to rule the realm. One could say that the satanic lockdown which began in the modern era had its roots in the Khazar Khaganate, which was located from Kiev, Ukraine to Atil or Itil, the Khazar capital on the Volga (see map above). However, this reality in no way diminishes the over-riding significance of the Babylonian Radhanites who preceded by thousands of years the Khazarians. Nevertheless, it’s absolutely essential, especially in light of the potentially apocalyptic Ukraine War, to correctly apprehend both the position and the role of the Khazarian Cabal within today’s world power pyramid. That begins with knowing their once extremely secret back story which has been effectively covered up for centuries until 2015. As follows:
How the Khazarian Cabal has controlled Ashkenazi Jewry
so it can rule planet Earth from behind the veil
Folks, please do not gloss over the vital “Khazarian” content found in the preceding link. For it well explains what is found no where else on the Internet today. It even discloses the actual reason for the extraordinary construction of the Great Pyramid of Giza, an impossibility even applying today’s most advanced technologies and sophisticated equipment.
As a highly regarded revisionist historian once noted:
“If you understand the real purpose of the Great Pyramid of Giza, then you will understand all of human history going back to Atlantis.”
State of the Nation
March 21, 2023
N.B. What follows is the excellent disquisition of the historical record which clearly identifies the key players in this multi-millennia, mega-crime MAMMON drama who were used to create the current global state of affairs defined by so much pervasive crime and profound corruption.
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