Virginia Catholics fight back against ‘After School Satan Club’ with Rosary rallies


    by Jean Mondoro, LifeSite News:

    The satanist school club ‘represents blasphemy to the highest degree, and we are out there praying in reparation,’ Steven Scheerbaum told LifeSiteNews.

    Catholics in Chesapeake, Virginia, are hosting regular Rosary rallies to combat an “after-school Satan club” meeting at a local public school.
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    The club, which stirred up controversy and made headlines since being introduced at B. M. Williams Primary School in December, was recently permitted to meet on school property, leading to a continuation of prayerful protest from faithful Catholics in the community. 

    “The ASSC [after-school Satan club] represents blasphemy to the highest degree, and we are out there praying in reparation for the sins of our leadership and the thousands [who] either support the ASSC meeting or who are doing nothing to prevent them from meeting due to indifference or lukewarmness,” Steven Scheerbauma leader of the rallies, told LifeSiteNews via email. “We are also praying for the children, faculty, and staff of B. M. Williams and all schools in Chesapeake.” 

    Scheerbaum explained that a group of Catholics “began praying on December 4 and prayed 15 decades of the rosary, the Auxilium Christianorum prayers, while making a novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe.” During the novena, between 15 and 50 participants gathered, including some former and current school employees. 

    The same set of prayers has been offered each month since December, with the first gathering offered in thanksgiving that the first meeting of the club had been cancelled. However, the club was scheduled to meet in January and February, when the group was “heartbroken to see the children enter the school.” In the future, they plan to “continue to pray at the scheduled meeting times either for reparation or thanksgiving.” 

    In addition to gathering for prayer during the meetings, Scheerbaum shared that they have “held Rosary rallies at the school board meetings on four separate occasions.” 

    “We pray 15 decades of the Rosary, some additional prayers that have been suggested from America Needs Fatima, an additional special Rosary where we plead the Blood of Jesus over each of the 48 public schools in Chesapeake, every private school, and every home school for each of the 50 Hail Mary’s, and a St. Michael’s Chaplet. We offer each set of prayers for the nine choirs of angels of the Chaplet of St. Michael for each of the nine Chesapeake School Board members.” 

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