The Plot To Control America


    by Lew Rockwell, Lew Rockwell:

    We all know how bad the Covid “vaccines” are. They kill people.  We also know how bad the lockdowns were. They destroyed large parts of the economy, crippled the lives of children who couldn’t see their friends, and led to many deaths of people who couldn’t get the medications they needed. Masks, which still haven’t gone away, interfere with breathing and don’t stop Covid. Given these facts, the question arises, what was the point of the whole operation?

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    The answer is that all these measures were designed to bring us under control.  Once people get used to obeying these unprecedented intrusions, they are primed for permanent dictatorship. Now brain-dead Biden and his gang of neo-con controllers are planning to do it again. Through the fake “climate change” danger, they plan to subject our entire economy to total control.

    Paul Craig Roberts explains the connection between the “vaccines” and getting people used to the loss of their freedom. “How many Americans are as brave as Buffalo Bills wide receiver Cole Beasley, who announced he would give up playing football before he submits to the NFL’s vaccine protocols?

    Health care employees and many other Americans are experiencing pressure to accept vaccination or be fired. For example, a hospital in Texas has made vaccination a condition of employment. I can understand the reluctance of a nurse or doctor, who has witnessed severe injury and death to those who were vaccinated, being unwilling to subject themselves to the risk. They have exposed themselves for 16 months to risk of infection by treating those who are infected. Now they are declared to be a risk to patients because they are not vaccinated and are pressured to accept the high risk of injury from the vaccine.

    Notice how quickly American corporations have taken to the idea that they have the right to make deeply personal decisions for employees. It is no longer just US presidents, such as Bush and Obama, who claim authority to set aside our constitutional protections and throw us in prison and execute us without due process, private profit-making corporations are now asserting the right to make our personal decisions.

    What does this tell us about the belief in freedom in America? It tells us that it is the last thing public and private leaders think about. Freedom? What is that? The right to disagree with the government, the boss, the media? That’s terrorism. That’s conspiracy theory. That’s being uncooperative. Take off the tinfoil hat and do as you are told.

    This is what everyone who works for a US corporation experiences. Take the vaccine. Don’t use these pronouns. Go to sensitivity training. Submit! Submit! Submit!

    That is America today. Notice how quickly it came on us. Compare today with 16 months ago and observe the rapid erosion of freedom.

    During the 20th century Cold War, Americans heard about ‘captive nations.’ Today America is a captive nation.

    Jon Rappoport explains the whole Covid control plot in detail: “’Can we get control of an individual to the point where he will do our bidding against his will and even against fundamental laws of nature, such as self preservation?’ (CIA interdepartmental memo, Project ARTICHOKE, January 1952)

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