The ‘Experts’ Were Wrong About EVERYTHING, But They Won’t Apologize To Prolong The Cover-Up


    by Bo Banks, Big League Politics:

    Screaming “Fauci Lied, People Died” doesn’t do the Covid hysteria and cover up justice. Because not only were the so-called “experts” wrong about virtually everything; they now have zero plans of taking any accountability.

    The masks made no difference, yet Americans who dared to go against the mandates were smeared and ridiculed by the mainstream media. People who refused to take the experimental jab were labeled “anti-vaxxers,” and many lost their jobs and livelihood for challenging the regime narrative.

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    As The Free Press shared“The most rigorous and extensive review of the scientific literature concludes that neither surgical masks nor N95 masks have been shown to make a difference in reducing the spread of Covid-19 and other respiratory illnesses.” 

    Think about that. The experts were wrong about not only masks and coerced vaccinations, but also about closing schools, asymptomatic spread, social distancing, lockdowns, the fatality rate, closing businesses, natural immunity, hospitals being overrun, outdoor transmission, the impact on kids, and much, much more.

    The experts were wrong about everything. But instead of asking for forgiveness, they want the people who called them out on their nonsense – those who have been slandered, targeted, and punished over the past 3 years – to provide amnesty.

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