Journalists Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger Accuse Twitter and Stanford University of Running ‘Censorship’ and ‘Disinformation’ Campaign on Vaccines


    by Shane Trejo, Big League Politics:

    Journalists Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger accused Twitter of colluding with Stanford University in order to run a “censorship” and “disinformation” campaign to mislead the public on vaccines.

    Taibbi and Shellenberger appeared on the floor of Congress to take questions where they explained documents they anaylized as part of the “Twitter Files” series, which has exposed the Big Brother apparatus that has developed over the past several years with social media companies doing the bidding of the federal government.

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    “We found just yesterday a tweet from the Virtality Project from Stanford, which is partnered with a number of government agencies and Twitter, where they talked explicitly about censoring stories of true vaccine side effects and other true stories that they felt encouraged hesitancy,” Taibbi said.

    “They believe that ordinary people can’t handle difficult truths, so they think that they need minders to separate out things that are controversial and difficult for them.” he added.

    “This is very disturbing because what they are doing when they’re putting labels on [the tweets] is that they are actually also trying to discredit you. It’s a form of censorship but it’s also a disinformation campaign,” Shellenberger said.

    The clip can be seen here:

    Big League Politics has reported on how Twitter regularly hires federal agents in order to blur the lines between the public and private sectors:

    Twitter is hiring an army of intelligence community spooks, many of whom worked for the FBI, as they move forward with their plans to conduct ubiquitous Big Brother censorship on its platform.

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