by Michael McCarthy, America Outloud:
Why do Conservatives and otherwise principled people of the Right roll over and allow the con artists of the Left to beat them over and over again? Why do moderate Republicans want to “reach across the aisle” and compromise with the Democratic Socialists who hate the principles they (ought) to stand for?
One classic definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. “Just put your hand on the red hot stove burner again,” say the sadistic sociopaths of the Left, “and I promise you that this time it won’t burn you!”
We Promise that This Time…
Just release violent criminals without bail, and we promise they won’t beat, stab, or shoot anyone again. How’s that working for you, Chicago? (With apologies to Dr. Phil.)
Just stop prosecuting looters who steal less than $950 worth of merchandise, and we promise that they won’t continue stealing from your stores in broad daylight. How’s that working for you, San Francisco, where Walgreens shut down 17 stores because theft losses were greater than profit margins. Where will you get your medicines now, retirees? Oh, wait, I forgot, you are afraid to walk to Walgreens because you’ll be mugged. And your mugger will be released without bail to mug you again tomorrow.
Just pay people to stay home and not work, and we promise there will still be food and toilet paper on the shelves. Not!
Just flood the country with printed government dollars deficit spending, and we promise that the price of a dozen eggs won’t rise to four dollars. Just sit by while we print trillions of deficit spending dollars out of thin air and ship them to Ukraine, and we promise that the rate of inflation won’t go up. We promise that you won’t have to pay more for gasoline, automobiles, food, clothing, and rent.
Conservative politicians and patient working-class Americans have bought into these lying schemes over and over. Like abused and enabling spouses, they rationalize, “the Democratic Socialist didn’t mean for it to turn out this way. They have good intentions! I’ll trust them to do right by us again.”
When Will They Ever Learn?
The classic folk song Where have all the flowers gone? asks, “When will they ever learn?” When will WE ever learn?
When will we ever learn that:
Progressives, socialists, Democrats, and the woke will only compromise if we conservatives compromise in their direction.
Progressives, socialists, Democrats, and the woke don’t want the American People to thrive. They want us to become a nation of scarcity, hunger, fear, and conformity.
Progressives, socialists, Democrats, and the woke don’t want diversity of thought. They want conformity of thought and actions. Conformity to their ever-changing demands for more and more power over us.
Progressives, socialists, Democrats, and the woke don’t want freedom of religion. They want obedience and conformity to their one religion of government supremacy of woke elites. “We are the Lords, your gods,” they thunder, “ and you shalt not have any other God before us!” Exhibit A: the FBI targeting traditional Catholics practicing their faith.
Progressives, socialists, Democrats, and the woke don’t want “what’s best for the children.” They want to control, indoctrinate, inculcate fear, and use your children for their own profit and sexual pleasures. Tucker Carlson has documented how they want to mutilate and castrate your children. Hospitals make a lot of money doing it.
Stand Firm, Don’t Compromise
It’s time to stop compromising your principles. Basic principles don’t change. What goes up must come down: Gravity. The law of gravity is a fundamental principle that does not change. You can’t compromise with gravity. You can’t say, “when I jump off the roof, Gravity, compromise with me and only let me come down part way and hover in the air.” It won’t work. You’ll fall all the way to the ground and be hurt.
Private property, free markets, and free speech are basic principles that don’t change. They enable societies to thrive. When you compromise these principles, societies get hurt, just as you get hurt when you jump off the roof in an attempt to compromise with gravity.
Trust Your Own Eyes
You can see with your own eyes how the principles of private property, free markets, and free speech help society thrive. You can see with your own eyes how violating and compromising these principles lead to scarcity, hunger, and a life of misery. Look with your own eyes at the NASA night sky photograph of the Korean peninsula:
Now decide for yourself:
Is freedom better than total totalitarian control?
Is a free market better than state control of all production and markets?
Is free speech better than state control of all speech and information flow?
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