Disguised ‘total warfare’ waged against the U.S.


    from WND:

    Blockbuster report unmasks how one powerful country is conquering America

    It’s one of the most vexing and consequential questions facing Americans today: Why do this nation’s ruling elites seem to be madly in love with China?

    Or to put a finer point on it: Why are the political and corporate leaders of America – long the freest, most successful, most prosperous and most Christian nation in history – now in craven submission to a ruthless, communist, totalitarian and explicitly atheistic dictatorship openly committed to ruling the world, including America?

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    The astonishing answers come into view only when one contemplates both the unprecedented level of political and financial corruption in America’s ruling class, and simultaneously the communist Chinese government’s brilliantly devious methods of unconventional total warfare.

    Consider the most recent revelations about China: It intentionally created the COVID-19 virus that has killed almost 7 million worldwide – including over 1 million Americans – in a Wuhan bio-lab, the result of wildly dangerous “gain-of-function” research on bat coronaviruses, literally intended to make the pathogen more lethal to human beings. America’s leadership class perversely spent years covering up China’s complicity in all of this. And in response to the few U.S. voices demanding transparency from China, the communist government there continuously lied, denied, threatened and even launched a propaganda campaign claiming America had created and leaked the deadly virus from a Maryland military base!

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    And of course, through its controlling influence on the World Health Organization, China largely dictated the disastrous “total lockdown” pandemic response adopted by America at the direction of Dr. Anthony Fauci, which wreaked total havoc on this nation’s society, business, education, mental health, economy and free exercise of religion. All part of China’s “unconventional total warfare.”

    China’s ruling authority, the atheist Chinese Communist Party, or CCP, is that nation’s de facto god, controlling virtually every major aspect of the lives of the almost one-and-a-half billion people living there. For example, the CCP has long dictated the exact number of children couples are permitted to have, imposing its infamous “one-child policy” in 1980, replaced by a “two-child policy” in 2016 and a “three-child policy” in 2021. Enforcement has been brutal, including forced abortions, sterilization and fines, and the policies have resulted in a horrendous epidemic of female infanticide, especially in rural areas.

    (Image by Silentpilot from Pixabay)

    Shanghai, China (Image by Silentpilot from Pixabay)

    But that’s just the beginning. China forces entire minority populations, like the Uyghur Muslims, into slave-labor concentration camps. Even worse, it routinely harvests organs from them and other innocent people it regards as expendable commodities. In 2019, the China Tribunal – an independent, London-based panel of international legal and medical experts – determined conclusively that China’s communist government for decades had been systematically killing prisoners of conscience, especially Falun Gong practitioners and Muslims, in order to harvest their organs and sell them. That’s capitalism, China-style.

    Multiple credible eyewitness reports confirm that women in these large slave-labor camps – which Chinese communist authorities call “re-education camps” – are routinely raped, tortured, forcibly sterilized, and forced to sing patriotic communist songs.

    As Amelia Pang, author of “Made in China: A Prisoner, an SOS Letter, and the Hidden Cost of America’s Cheap Goods,” told the New York Post: “Rape is pretty standard in forced labor camps. The goal is to brainwash prisoners into being patriotic and extremely aligned with the Chinese state.”

    And Kuzzat Altay, CEO of international software-coding outfit Cydeo and an activist dedicated to exposing China’s human-rights abuses, saw his own father imprisoned in one of China’s camps for two years. He confirms that “Organ harvesting is normal in the Chinese Communist Party. They are known for this.” As an example, he explained to the Post, “There are some rich Middle Eastern clients who want Muslim kidneys,” since they are free of alcohol and pork. “So Uyghur people were having their kidneys taken.”

    This is clearly nothing short of Hitlerian for the people of China.

    Read More @ WND.com