CV19 Bioweapon/vax Bell Has Rung, CV19 Vax Dead Piling Up and Inflation Economy


    by Greg Hunter, USA Watchdog:

    The bell has rung on the fraud of the CV19 plandemic.  From infection to injection, it was all a bioweapon used to kill and disable an unsuspecting global population.  13 billion doses were shot into people worldwide, and it did not help one single person—period.  Woody Harrelson rang the bell that could not be unheard on Saturday Night Live when he said governments and media were bought off by Big Pharma.  They locked us down, and the only way to get out was to take their drugs (CV19 Vax) over and over.  People are waking up to the deadly and debilitating scam of Covid and the bioweapon/vax used to murder people.

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    The dead keep piling up from the CV19 bioweapon/vax.  Wall Street analyst extraordinaire Ed Dowd says excess death numbers for group life insurance companies are up mor than 40% over normal in 2022—and they are trending much higher in 2023.  We are just getting started, and this evil debacle is nowhere near the peak.  This does not account for the thousands every week who are left completely disabled and can no longer work.  The one thing that could help people now is Ivermectin, but the medical community and the government are still trashing it and restricting it.  Looks like Justin Bieber’s career is over as he has cancelled the remainder of his world tour because of health problems cause by the CV19 injections.  Could Ivermectin help him?  Vax injury expert Dr. Pierre Kory says he has helped many with Ivermectin.

    We keep hearing that the fed is going to pivot and start cutting interest rates.  The market rallied on Thursday because of some dovish comments by one Fed President.  Is anyone listening to the rest of the Fed?  Nearly all, including Fed Head Jay Powell, say they are raising rates, and they are not going to stop raising them anytime soon.  We have an inflation economy.  Can it be brought under control without killing business?

    There is much more in the 52-minute newscast.

    Join Greg Hunter of as he talks about these stories and more in the Weekly News Wrap-Up for 3.3.23.

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    After the Interview:

    Catherine Austin Fitts (CAF) the Publisher of The Solari Report will be the guest for the Saturday Night Post.  CAF will talk about everything from global digital currency to gold.  She will give us her thoughts on the widening bloodbath called the Ukraine war.

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