City Bans New Gas Stations to Prevent Climate Fluctuation


    from Moonbattery:

    Looks like the planet is not doomed after all. The city of Louisville, Colorado is taking measures to prevent the climate from continuing to fluctuate the way it always has:

    On Tuesday evening, the City Council of Louisville, about 20 miles northwest of Denver, voted unanimously to pass Ordinance 1851, which would basically cap the number of city gas stations at six.

    Councilmember Maxine Most explains the objective:

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    “We have an obligation to take every step possible to address the changes to our climate that are ravaging our planet and directly impacting the health, well-being and livelihoods of the constituents we represent in Louisville.”

    No doubt the supposedly rising oceans are of particular concern in Louisville, which is a mere 5,335 feet above sea level.

    This repression would prove inconvenient were Louisville to grow. But that is unlikely to happen under moonbat rule. Most is a member of Louisville’s Economic Vitality Committee.

    Development will have to take place elsewhere, as Louisville withers and dies on behalf of the climate.

    On tips from Franco and Mr. Freemarket.

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