Watch! Medical Freedom Protesters Surround Pfizer HQ in NYC to Demand Nuremberg-Style Tribunals


    from InfoWars:

    “I’m unvaccinated — I ain’t showing you my papers!” protester shouts.

    A crowd of protesters advocating for medical freedom have gathered outside Pfizer’s World Headquarters in New York City on Saturday to demand accountability for vaccine injuries with Nuremberg-style trials.

    Video taken by NJEG Media shows what appear to be hundreds of demonstrators protesting “medical tyranny,” with some bringing signs in tribute to the vaccine injured.

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    One protester was seen rapping about the vaccine mandates, reciting, “I”m unvaccinated, I ain’t showing you my papers!”

    The demonstrators later headed to the UN headquarters chanting “Nuremberg!”, referring to the Nuremberg trials which held Nazi Germany accountable for its atrocities committed during WWII.

    This isn’t the first protest to be held outside Pfizer’s HQ.

    Earlier this month, Project Veritas parked a billboard van in front of Pfizer World HQ that looped undercover footage of a Pfizer executive discussing how the company engages in gain of function research.

    Protests have even sprung up at its international offices, such as the one in Paris, France, where protesters called the COVID jab manufacturer “assassins.”

    This latest protest comes days after the Florida Surgeon General released damning VAERS data showing a massive uptick in vaccine injuries since the rollout of the experimental jab.

    “In Florida alone there was a 1,700% increase in VAERS reports after the release of the COVID vaccine. The reporting of life-threatening conditions increased over 4,400%,” the statement read.

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