This “Kill Switch” Business


    by Eric Peters, Eric Peters Autos:

    Some of you have probably heard about the Biden Thing’s decree that, beginning with 2026 model years cars – all new cars must be factory fitted with so-called “kill” switches. By which is meant not only that the car can be turned off by the government and its baying bloodhounds – i.e., “law enforcement” – but also by itself, if the car decides you are driving outside acceptable (to it  . . . as well as to the government) parameters.

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    The key to understanding the latter is understanding what the government means by “impaired” driving – ostensibly the reason for the fatwa’ing of the “kill” switches. It not being enough, apparently, to have probable cause-free dragnet stops of motorists, where each one is obliged to prove to the satisfaction of law enforcement that he has not violated the law (so much for the old presumption of innocence) with regard to drinking and driving. Not enough to punish those who actually do drink and drive.

    Everyone must be presumed “drunk” as soon as they get in their car to go for a drive. They will be obliged to prove – to the satisfaction of the car – that they have not been drinking, else the car will stop driving.

    In addition to the “kill” switch – and tied into it – will be (and  to some extent, already are) what are styled “passive” sensors that monitor the “performance” of the driver. If these sensors detect signs of  . . . whatever they are programmed to detect, the “kill” switch shuts off the car. Ostensibly, the “signs” are of impairment, such as eyes not staying open/focused on the road (Subaru’s EyeSight system, already installed in all new Subarus except the last handful of manual transmission-equipped 2023 Crosstreks). But there is no technological reason why other “signs” – of things the government does not like  – such as ignoring signs, could not also be programmed-in to trigger the “kill” switch.

    Note that almost all 2023 model year cars already have something called Advanced Speed Limit Assistance Technology, or something similar. What that means is the car knows what the speed limit is, everywhere you drive. Which it does via the real-time mapping of where you’re driving and how fast you’re going. Go faster than the speed limit and the Advanced Speed Limit Assistance will warn you of your “speeding” by shifting the little icon in the instrument cluster that displays the current speed limit from white to red. It is one small step – one line of code, probably – to go from there to stop.

    It could and almost certainly will also be used to erect a much more comprehensive version of the DM “points” system, under which a driver is dunned a certain number of “points” after having been convicted of “speeding,” as well as other such sign-ignoring. Imagine if the DMV – and the insurance mafia – could apply “points” (and fines) for every single instance of sign-disobedience. Could “kill” your driving privileges on that basis. Most of us would have our driving privileges – the pathetic thing our former right-to-travel has become – rescinded before the day was out.

    The rest of us would probably give up driving the day after – because why bother? “Driving” would be reduced to sign-obedience, a schooling for dullards and the half-dead. It would mean the end of any pleasure attending driving, at any rate – and that is very much intentional. But it is also something else. That being an assertion of Who’s Boss. Which isn’t you.

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