This Is The Real Significance Of The “Chinese Spy Balloon” Saga…


    by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

    It took a balloon for millions of Americans to finally realize that we really are on the brink of war with China.  When a four-star general recently warned that we would be fighting a war with China in 2025, that didn’t create too much of a stir.  And when U.S. Representative Michael McCaul stated that odds of a war between the United States and China over Taiwan are “very high”, that barely made a blip in the news cycle.  But the giant “spy balloon” that just floated across our country really got people fired up.  Despite the fact that China has been relentlessly spying on us in countless other ways for years, many of our leaders are suddenly acting as if some huge change just happened.  They are issuing all sorts of very angry statements and they are demanding action from the Biden administration.  Meanwhile, the Chinese are pissed that we just shot down their “civilian airship” and they are warning that they have “the right to respond further”.

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    What this means is that we are now closer to war with China than we have been in decades.

    And that is the real significance of this entire saga.

    Long before it was fashionable to do so, I repeatedly warned my readers that war with China was coming.  Back then, a number of my critics thought I had gone off the deep end.  They argued that China was our friend and that we would never go to war with one of our most important trading partners.

    But now suddenly vast hordes of Americans are waking up and realizing that the warmongers in Washington really do have us on the verge of an unthinkable conflict with the Chinese.

    If you are one of those people, I have a message for you.

    Welcome to the party.

    What took you so long?

    Needless to say, most Americans don’t want to have a war with China.

    But we are going to have one anyway.

    This whole episode with the mysterious Chinese balloon has brought tensions that have been simmering for months to a boiling point.  On Saturday afternoon, the U.S. military finally shot it down “off the South Carolina coast”

    A U.S. warplane shot down the suspected Chinese spy balloon off the South Carolina coast Saturday afternoon, sending its surveillance gear into relatively shallow water where recovery efforts began immediately, Pentagon officials announced.

    The balloon was downed after it passed into U.S. territorial waters, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said in a statement.The balloon, which carried a large payload of spy gear according to U.S. officials, had soared over several strategic sites, including nuclear missile silos, and became the latest flashpoint in tensions between Washington and Beijing.

    If this really was a “spy balloon”, why didn’t we shoot it down before it had a chance to collect so much information?

    According to Joe Biden, he was concerned “about debris killing people on the ground”.


    There was plenty of wide open space where it could have been shot down safely.

    Now that it has been shot down over the ocean, it is going to be more difficult to retrieve the remains.

    In any event, the Chinese continue to insist that this was not a “spy balloon” at all…

    China claims that its balloon was a “civilian airship” and not the spy device the US claimed it to be, and said that the US’s decision to destroy its property “seriously violates international convention,” according to a statement obtained by The New York Times.

    “In these circumstances, for the United States to insist on using armed force is clearly an excessive reaction that seriously violates international convention,” the statement said. “China will resolutely defend the legitimate rights and interests of the enterprise involved, and retains the right to respond further.”

    Maybe the Chinese are correct.

    Maybe this really wasn’t a spy balloon.

    But then why did it fly over so many of our key military installations?

    Gateway Pundit has made a list of all the military bases that this spy balloon flew near…

    ** Malstrom Air Force Base – Montana – home of 341st Military Wing
    ** Ellsworth Air Force Base – South Dakota – home of 28th bomb wing
    ** Joe Foss Field ANG – South Dakota – home of 114th fighter wing
    ** Sioux City ANG – Iowa – national gard base
    ** Offutt Air Force Base -Nebraska – headquarters US strategic command
    ** Camp Ashland – Nebraska –
    ** Lincoln ANG – Nebraska
    ** Whiteman Air Force Base – Missouri – home of B52 bombers
    ** Fort Leonard Wood – Missouri – Army training installation
    ** St. Louis Army Human Resources – St. Louis, MO
    ** Scott Air Force Base – Illinois – home of the Air Mobility Command
    ** Fort Campbell – Tennessee – home fo Screaming eagles, the 101st Airborne
    ** Nashville ANG – Tennessee
    ** Smyrna ANG – Tennessee
    ** Houston Barracks – Tennessee
    ** McGhee Tyson ANG – Tennessee
    ** Pope Air Force Base – North Carolina – Air mobility command
    ** Fort Bragg – North Carolina – one of the largest military installations in the world
    ** MCAS New River – North Carolina
    ** Camp Lejeune – North Carolina – military training facility
    ** US Coast Guard Station Fort Macon

    And apparently now there are two more Chinese “spy balloons” that have been identified…

    A third Chinese spy balloon could be lingering near US interests, but officials won’t say where it is.

    An anonymous source told the Washington Post a third balloon is likely operating near the US after the first balloon was discovered hovering over Montana on Thursday and another was found above Latin America on Friday.

    Of course it is quite true that the Chinese do not exactly need giant balloons to spy on us.

    The Chinese can see pretty much whatever they want using their spy satellites, and their stealth drones are highly sophisticated.

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