The Stuff Of Nightmares Unfolding In America As Globalists Rush Us Towards All-Out Civil War – The More Divided The Country, The Easier To Complete Our Annihilation And Overthrow In WW3


    by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

    With the opening of the 2nd month of 2023 bringing the world all kinds of crazy as a Chinese spy balloon perfect for carrying and deploying an EMP capable of taking down our electrical grid made its way as if flying first class on Joe Biden air from the West Coast, over our nuclear weapons silos, to the East Coast of America, with the US finally shooting it down once it did it’s damage and got over the Atlantic Ocean, and that intrusion over America happening at a time when a US 4-star general tells us his ‘gut’ tells him the US will be at war with China by 2025, can you imagine war being played out in a highly deadly fashion ON US soil sometime in the next few years if not sooner?

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    Because while it sure seems that Biden, China and the globalists are working out of the very same playbook in this rush towards World War 3 despite Biden supposed to be representing the USA, as many articles and ANP readers are suggesting, it sure seems like WW3 has already begun with Russia, China and South Africa now holding military drills with each other, within which Russia is featuring the test launching of their unstoppable Zircon hypersonic missiles capable of carrying nukes and hurtling towards its targets at speeds up to Mach 9, or about 7,000 miles per hour.

    And if it’s not bad enough that the globalists have us on a mad rush towards World War 3 and the potential of all-out nuclear annihilation and the world ‘turning to dust’ according to Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev, the globalists also have us on a mad rush towards all-out Civil War here in America as we’ll examine more in the next section of this story below.

    So while Joe Biden and the West continue to attempt to justify arms deliveries to Kiev as an alleged effort to prevent a world warRussia has long warned us arming Ukraine with such weapons will be anything BUT PREVENTING a ‘World War 3,‘ but INSTIGATING it instead, and such a war will surely be of a ‘nuclear ‘end times’ variety‘ if we are to believe Medvedev’s own words.:

    “Firstly, defending Ukraine, which nobody needs in Europe, will not save the senile Old World from retribution if anything occurs. Secondly, once the Third World War breaks out, unfortunately it will not be on tanks or even on fighter jets. Then everything will definitely be turned to dust.

    So while we’ll hope and pray that cooler heads prevail in the days, weeks and months ahead of us, both here in the USA under ‘puppet Biden‘ and globally as America and the world hurtle towards unknown territory, as we’ll explore within the next section of this story below, we’re being rapidly pushed into all-out division here in the good ole’ USA, the globalists stoking Civil war here now, as the more divided we are as a nation, the more easily we fall.

    The absolutely alarming story over at the NY Post Friday morning that gives us a great look at where America is headed if we continue down this path we’re on reported the story of 58-year-old Dr. Michael John Mammone, who was minding his own business and riding his bike in Dana Point, California when he was mowed down by an angry driver shouting insanities about ‘white privilege‘ before stabbing Mammone to death.

    Called by this ABC7 story reporting on it the stuff of nightmares,’ Vanroy Evan Smith, who now faces murder charges, didn’t even know Dr. Mammone, apparently picking him out just because he was ‘white,’ which in the end amounts to nothing less than the mainstream media and radical leftist politicians who endlessly babble on about ‘white privilege‘ encouraging the brutality carried out by Smith upon Mammone, an innocent man who did nothing to hurt Smith and was just out enjoying a beautiful day. Now we have proof those who’ve been babbling on about ‘white privilege‘ have blood on their hands.

    So imagine THAT becoming our ‘reality‘ all across the USA due to the insane ramblings of teachings like ‘Critical Race Theory‘ and the HUGE attempted money grab going on in California this very instant, where people seeking ‘money for nothing‘ attempt to get millions for free, allegedly for ‘slavery,‘ when California was never even a slave state in the first place!

    As even the Wall Street Journal had reported in this December 23rd of 2022 story titled “California, Never a Slave State, Considers Reparations,” “the commission is a sham, meant to divert attention from the failures of today’s state government. And as Steve Quayle warned us in our email communications with him on Saturday, all of this is part of a huge effort being used by the America-hating deep state and globalists to SOW division here in America in an attempt to push us into a Civil War because as we mentioned previously, the more we are divided as a country, the more easily we will fall.

    And extremely interestingly as Steve also pointed out to us, it’s likely NOT just ‘a coincidence‘ that the three-letter ‘Critical Race Theory‘ uses the same three letters, CRT, that we were warned of in a different group more than 10 years ago by Pastor Steve L. Anderson of the Faithful Word Baptist Church, the ‘CRT‘ of the infamous ‘Clergy Response Teams,‘ with Pastor Anderson warning us long ago about ‘Pastors Who Are Prostitutes Of Propaganda’ as we’ll explore more in the next section of this story below and the 1st video at the bottom of this story. Just a coincidence both groups use ‘CRT‘ as their acronym?

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