The Deep State Really Is Trying To Starve Us


    by Fed Up Texas Chick, The Tenpenny Report:

    We originally published this story back in the summer of 2022. Fast forward only six months, and just recently, we experienced a Connecticut farm fire in which an estimated 100,000 hens died. It’s one of several fires over the past decade that has resulted in millions of dead chickens. Add to that the chickens that are being culled and killed in the name of avian flu, and we have a crisis on our hands. Last summer, people were saying all this was just another conspiracy theory. But the fires keep happening. Tucker Carlson thinks it’s an issue; here is his commentary. He includes all the reports by farmers that chicken feed is being tainted. Hens are not laying eggs. Yes, hens have a dormant period, but it usually doesn’t last 6 or 7 months. Farmers have switched from certain commercial feeds to their own homemade feeds or even goat feeds and the hens start laying again. The targeting of poultry farms not only reduces the availability of chicken meat, but also eggs for consumption. Let’s not forget that eggs are used extensively in the production of  traditional  vaccines, but not mRNA vaccines. Is this a way to further advance mRNA technology?

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    Here’s the original story. It’s looooong, but that’s because there have been so many incidents. You decide whether it’s a conspiracy theory after you read it.

    For a while now, Joe Biden has been saying that a real food shortage is coming. Not surprisingly, Biden and his minions are blaming it on Russia, stating that Vladimir Putin’s war on Ukraine is preventing Ukraine from exporting its fertilizer, which will have an impact on the world. Somehow, Biden’s prior press secretary Jen Psaki has downplayed comments from her boss, saying that America will be spared; while there will not be a food shortage here in America, the higher fertilizer costs will impact food supplies around the world.

    Russia and Ukraine collectively export about 25 percent of the world’s wheat, as well as many other foods. These exports have been upended by the war, but once again, America will be spared, as Biden urges farmers to increase the US wheat supply to offset the shortages from Russia and Ukraine. Mainstream media falls right into lockstep with this administration, reminding folks that everything is hunky dory and urging them not to worry.

    Are Biden and Psaki telling the truth? Will America really be spared, or is there something more nefarious going on here at home?

    While many Americans do suffer from food insecurity, widespread nationwide food shortages are unfamiliar to most Americans because it has been nearly 100 years since the last food shortage during the 1930s Great Depression. For a while now, both farmers and truckers have been trying to warn the American people about the looming food crisis. They’re right – disturbing signs do exist. Most likely, you are noticing some semi-empty to completely empty shelves at your local grocery store.

    Of course, the Deep State has been reprimanding us for years that climate change is causing a food crisis and it is all our fault. COVID-19 shutdowns have also definitely been the catalyst for the supply chain issues. Just three months into the pandemic, officials were warning us about the looming and inevitable food crisis. Different parts of the world have been affected differently, creating bottlenecks and other issues. Many parts and components come from Chinese plants that were shut down during COVID. It can take several months to start up production again. Because the COVID-19 crisis has lingered for over two years, production of goods has been greatly reduced in most of our major industries. Once those goods are finally produced, they must be delivered by planes, ships and trucks, but there are not enough workers to meet the demand.

    Daily, 70 ships are on hold in the Long Beach and Los Angeles ports because of the lack of dock workers to handle the unloading. America is short about 80,000 truck drivers, and that number is growing due to jab mandates, retirements and other personal factors.   Freight costs are also 10X what they were pre-pandemic and are continuing to rise.

    The Fertilizer Shortage

    Farmers worldwide are reducing use of chemical fertilizers, due to supply shortages and high costs. Many agricultural experts are concerned that crop yields will be affected come harvest time.

    Brazil’s largest farmer, SLC Agricola SA, farms corn, soybeans, and cotton on a land mass larger than the state of Delaware and is reducing its fertilizer use by 25 percent amid soaring prices. The CEO of the company stated that reduction in fertilizer for this year will not affect near-term harvests because there is reserve fertilizer in the soil. However, other experts are concerned given that 80 percent of Brazil’s farmland relies on chemical fertilizers to produce coffee, sugar, maize, edible beans, wheat, and more. Commodity traders say that the fertilizer shortage will remain an issue for several years. Given that Brazil relies on imported fertilizer for 85 percent of its usage, this is a major issue that will affect food supplies for the whole world. This shortage affects not only Brazil, but all of the world’s top food producers, so Jen Psaki is likely wrong (as she is on so very many occasions) when she says the US will not be affected.

    The Ethanol Decision

    Biden recently lifted restrictions on selling a higher ethanol content gasoline during the summer months. This is normally prohibited, but Biden said he wanted to help Americans with price relief of 10 cents per gallon. Biden made great fanfare of the announcement, traveling to corn-rich Iowa to get in front of the press to announce the Environmental Protection Agency emergency waiver.

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