Report: Roald Dahl eBooks Automatically Updated to Woke Censored Versions


    by Allum Bokhari, Breitbart:

    The ongoing controversy over the decision by Puffin, a subsidiary of Penguin Random House, to censor new editions of Roald Dahl books has taken another dystopian twist, with owners of Roald Dahl ebooks reporting that their copies have been automatically updated to the new, woke versions.

    The publisher’s decision to airbrush Roald Dahl children’s books with woke language, with altered texts including classics like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, The Fantastic Mr. Fox, and The BFG has attracted widespread outrage, particularly in Great Britain.

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    Breitbart News Jack Montgomery reports on some of the changes:

    One passage from The Witches reading “Even if she is working as a cashier in a supermarket or typing letters for a businessman” is contorted into “Even if she is working as a top scientist or running a business” — with the real world existence of female cashiers and secretaries with male bosses apparently being considered beyond the pale.

    Paleness, meanwhile, is in itself also considered controversial, as is the lack of it: references to being “White in the face”, “white as paper”, and “turning white” are changed to avoid the word “white” or removed altogether, while a simple description of two machines in Fantastic Mister Fox as “black” is excised.

    Countless references to ugliness and fatness are also removed — “fat little brown mouse” becoming “little brown mouse” and Mrs Twit no longer being “ugly” — along with references to females being “pretty”.

    References to a “Mrs Silver” becoming “Mrs Hoppy” are also removed, so the poor woman does not have to take her husband’s surname.

    The Times of London is now reporting that customers who own digital versions of Roald Dahl books are having the new, woke changes forced upon them, with updates to the ebooks that they cannot opt out of.

    One reader who works in children’s publishing told the Times that her ebooks had been altered without her consent.

    “It feels Orwellian that we are having the updated versions forced upon us and has made me weary of ebooks. I assumed that because the changes to the work were so big that I would be given the option of whether to download it.”

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