“Pharma Food” with Elze van Hamelen


    by Corey Lynn, Corey’s Digs:

    In this special Dig It! podcast, investigative journalist Elze van Hamelen joins us to discuss her comprehensive report entitled, “Pharma Food.” This report offers a deep dive into the history, research, funding, and processes involved in manufacturing lab-grown meats. Additionally, in our discussion we explore the potential motives behind this multibillion-dollar effort by governments and organizations to develop and market fake meats and insects for public consumption. Elze’s report, as well as her interview with Catherine Austin Fitts, can be found exclusively by subscription to the Solari Report. To follow Elze’s latest work, visit her website here and find more of Elze’s reports in the Dutch publication, De Andere Krant, which also offers videos in English.

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