CAUGHT RED HANDED: Trudeau has been caught bussing illegal immigrants across the country against their will


    by Keean Bexte, The Counter Signal:

    One asylum seeker who illegally entered Canada on February 11 told CBC that he and his 6-month pregnant wife were sent to Ontario just three days after arriving — even though he told authorities he and his wife wanted to stay in Quebec.

    “I said we want to stay in Montreal because I don’t speak English and my wife doesn’t either, and she needs to have medical appointments for the pregnancy,” said the man.

    But the authorities told the man there was no room for him in Quebec, and shipped him off to Ontario, along with 40 other migrants.

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    Last week, Quebec’s immigration Christine Fréchette expressed delight that the feds have coordinated the provincial-deportation of almost all illegal refugees who entered Quebec this month.

    “We’re very happy about this,” she said.

    “We hope that this will be maintained and that this will be the new approach to managing the borders and asylum seekers.”

    Many illegal refugees come into Canada with what’s colloquially known as anchor babies – meaning the woman is pregnant and knows her baby will be given Canadian citizenship as per the law.

    Subsequently, asylum seekers with Canadian infants are more likely to be awarded citizenship down the road.

    While filming Roxham Road Revealed, one RCMP officer told The Counter Signal (off the record) that most of the women who illegally cross the border at Roxham Road are pregnant.

    Trudeau’s appeasing of Quebec — to the chagrin of many French-speaking refugees — is a play out of the US National Guard’s playbook.

    As previously reported, the US National Guard is distributing bus tickets to the asylum-shopping migrants so they can leave America and illegally enter Canada via Roxham Road instead.

    Last year, illegal immigration levels in Quebec reached new highs with approximately 39,000 asylum-shopping migrants crossing the US-Canada border.

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