by Greg Boulden, America Outloud:
Communication is at the core of the human experience. We share verbal and non-verbal forms to make understanding and knowledge available for those who know what to listen to and look for. The root of the word communication is “Communis,” which means to make one. The idea of all communication is to create a common thought between all people.
The WEF is meeting in Davos, Switzerland, in order to set a global agenda for the future. They are hoping to communicate a common thought for all people to follow. The flow of information did not start at this meeting. For decades the WEF has grown in influence and power as billionaires, and the world’s leaders unite to reset global order. Countries like the United States are sovereign nations, and joining in these talks and participating in the changes may weaken our freedom.
Humanity has been developing for centuries with innovation and messaging. The meeting of the minds is nothing new in how we have survived and developed. Those that hold education and monetary wealth have often been privy to more information than the uneducated and poor. Class systems have defined the soul of the earth’s children. Information is now available at a rapid pace with the development of the internet and wireless communications.
Are you aware that you are an electromagnetic being?
Nothing is as it seems once you realize James Maxwell and Heinrich Hertz changed understanding and knowledge in ways most still have no access to comprehend. The heart and brain, the nerve fibers connecting to muscle, all work on electrical impulses. The human body even admits light. We are Hertzian beings. We each have a frequency leading to the pulse of the earth. The WEF is some of the world’s most educated and wealthy iconoclasts. They understand that most lack an understanding of who and what they are in the order of society.
Our positive thoughts create positive energy, put out into the world. And our negative, place negative energy. It changes our brains, hearts, and immune system, and countless studies have shown this repeatedly. It sounds like new-age science to some, but great things can happen for those that harness it.
The first day of the forum was doom and gloom. They discussed the famine, the recession, and wars and unrest to come. They see it because the energy is already present. We can change that without the WEF. Many of their measures are already in place. The banks are already working with digital currency and have begun their shift with the world’s central banks. There is no fighting that will stop the agenda. That does not mean we need to accept our fate. The classists do not expect us to stop dreaming. They do not expect us to have the same knowledge and education.
It’s important now more than ever that we take care of our electromagnetic vehicles ⏤ because the electromagnetic world will control us if we don’t use our own remote. Communication does not need to be one common thought ⏤ if the transmitter does not find a willing receiver.
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