US Coast Guard, Another Victim of Vaccine Mandate Misinformation


    by Nurse Michele, RN, America Outloud:

    We must know where we’ve been in the last three years regarding the COVID-19 vaccines and the mandates, to know where we are going and how to bring about needed change and reforms. Corey Sidilo championed health and religious freedom for the US Coast Guard, but in doing so, had to give up the last six years of his career and potential pension earnings having to choose early retirement, and in doing so, the US Coast Guard lost the senior most enlisted member in the Coast Guard, and perhaps the entire military.

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    Corey speaks out regarding his rejection of the vaccine mandate and The negative impacts of the Covid vaccine and the mandates on the US military. After 24 years of impeccable service, Corey recently retired from the US Coast Guard and is now a USCG veteran. During his last 10 years of service, he was a Command Senior Enlisted Leader, also referred to as a Command Master Chief. In his final three years of service, he served as the Command Master Chief for Coast Guard District 17 in Alaska, where he reported directly to a two-star Admiral, responsible for all operational commands in some of the most remote and environmentally challenging areas in the Coast Guard. His role was to speak truth to power, to tell the admiral what no one else can say, and give this Admiral information from the deck plates, To help him make wise, informed decisions that affected the mission, our service members, and their families. Corey was one of 23 command master chiefs to serve at the admiral level in a workforce of 43,000. Our US military lost a seasoned soldier with years of knowledge and experience, simply because our federal government made covid vaccinating the US troops, its highest priority.  

    Now that Corey is a retired veteran in his 40s, he is now a civilian version of his former military self; instead of speaking truth to an admiral, he is now able to speak truth to REAL power, “we the people,” from the free state of Florida, where he has retired with his family. Be sure to listen to this Exposé podcast that reveals why seasoned American servicemen Who once dreamed of their children following in their footsteps to become future protectors of America, are now discouraging their children from entering their ancestor’s career choice of the US military. Corey exposes the impact of the 2020 pandemic, and the 2021 Covid vaccine mandates from the federal government upon not only the American people, but on the US military, and what the fallout from such mandates and policies has done to the US military.

    I’ve always assumed that all military branches were part of the department of defense, but was surprised to learn that the US Coast Guard falls under DHS. This proves relevant as it pertains to the vaccine mandate because Corey exposes how those mandates were specific to the DOD. The DHS-run USCG had the opportunity to reject the mandate for all those within its purview but rather chose to accept a mandate that was not directed at them specifically and provided a way for those in USCG authority, could have protected the troops.

    Corey also exposes how the US Chaplin corps had a chance to Champion religious freedom on behalf of the USCG but instead chose to cave to propaganda and political pressure and contributed to thousands of soldiers being rejected for their religious exemption request to reject the COVID-19 EUA vaccine. Corey wants those considering entering the US military who are not wanting to accept the COVID-19 vaccine to look into the religions that the US Government permits member’s religious exemptions to be honored.

    Our US military, like American citizens, were misled with misinformation from the public health authorities, mainstream media, and all other purveyors of propaganda that the federal government had the constitutional right to force upon its military an unapproved experimental mRNA technology that had not gone through appropriate safety testing to assure that the US military was not compromised by adverse reactions caused by such a product, and are responsible for driving thousands into early retirement, and dropping out of the military as a career choice, rendering our military numbers significantly reduced.

    Corey exposes the documents that were given to the soldiers to convince them of their mandate to vaccinate to be also misleading while at the same time revealing with Twisted Verbiage, which indicated that it was, in fact, voluntary.

    Here is a quote from one of the Military Documents given to the troops:

    Mandatory vaccine will ONLY USE vaccines that have FULL Licensure from the FDA in accordance with FDA labeling and guidance. Service members voluntarily immunized with the C19 vaccine under FDA EUA or WHO emergency use listing in accordance with applicable dose requirements prior to or after the establishment of this policy are considered to be fully vaccinated service members who are actively participating in C19 clinical trials are exempt from mandatory vaccination until the trial is completed in order to avoid invalidating such trials”

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