The Alarming Increase of Healthy People Dying Suddenly, with Dr. Peter McCullough


    by Kimberly Overton, BSN, RN, America Outloud:

    It seems as if we are experiencing an alarming increase in the frequency in which we are seeing otherwise young and healthy individuals ⏤ die suddenly, and unfortunately, it appears that, as a society, we have become all too comfortable and accepting of a narrative that tells us that this is somehow normal; it’s always been this way. This is what we keep hearing over and over again, and many are convinced that it has always been this way.

    No one is addressing the elephant in the room, despite the fact that many of these cases of sudden death have occurred within as few as 1 to 20 days following covid vaccination. Still, any attempt to make that correlation is met with extreme hostility and flat-out denial that it could be in any way related. In this episode, we take a deep dive into this, and some other anomalies that we’ve been witnessing lately with one of the world’s foremost experts on Covid-19.

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    We try to make sense of this strange new phenomenon during this discussion with Dr. Peter McCullough, a world-renowned cardiologist, epidemiologist, and internist. He is one of the global leaders in the medical response to the covid 19 disaster and co-author of a newly published book, The courage to face covid 19: Preventing Hospitalization and Death While Battling The Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex; he also hosts the very popular radio show The McCullough Report, right here on America Out Loud Talk Radio.

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