Medicaid Fraud, Patient Coercion, and Unreported Vaccine Injuries Across California


    by Jodi O’Malley MSN, RN, America Outloud:

    Let’s continue the dialog with an anonymous Utilization and Review Nurse (UR) who reached out to Nurse April and me after hearing about our show on 12/28 with the following email:

    April and Jodi-

    I just listened to your episode from December 28th. You guys are awesome! I’m a new gardener, owner of 4 chickens, and also an RN (formerly critical care then L&D but now I work for a major insurance company in utilization review from home). Like you all, I’ve been in total disbelief over the last few years at what I’ve been seeing from our colleagues. I knew from April 2020 that something was seriously wrong. In my current job which I’ve been in since 2015, I review medical records of inpatient admissions all day long. I was on maternity leave when covid hit and went back to work early thinking surely they must need me- instead I came back and we had hardly anyone in the hospital (and we review for the entire state of California- a supposed hot zone). In the beginning, I was reviewing H&Ps of docs giving hydroxy for COVID.

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    Then one day I read a note that said the pharmacy could no longer get it. Almost as if it were coordinated, a ripple effect ensued where I was reading notes everywhere saying they could no longer get Hydroxy. And things have only gotten worse and worse. I’ve read notes of doctors documenting (literally it was documented in their EMR note) that they bribed homeless people with food to get them to take the Covid vax. I’ve reviewed 38 year old females with no previous medical hx having heart attacks. I reviewed one last week of a woman who went into cardiac arrest at home- all 4 of her extremities were clotted in ER (she ended up expiring in ICU a few days later). The doctors seem to have no desire to even consider the vaccine as a possible cause. Instead they list, “etiology unknown.” It’s like they’re hypnotized. Cloth masks? Social distancing? What???? The last “covid death” i reviewed was in Sept 2021- however this pt was septic from an infected dialysis line soooo… of course he was likely roped into the fraudulent list of covid deaths. I could go on. Thank you all so much for speaking out. I listen to your podcast and nod my head the whole time saying “yep. yep. yep.” There are so many of us out here who agree! STAY FIERCE! Keep up the good work!

    You can listen to part one of this talk here: UR Nurse Reveals Medicaid Fraud, Patient Coercion, and Unreported Vaccine Injuries.

    We’re keeping her name anonymous for various reasons, and one of them is recognizing that she is in a very unique situation with a birds-eye view of the hospital system as a whole. UR nurses review the patient’s entire medical record remotely and are able to view the documentation from everyone involved in the care of the patient. Bedside nurses and hospitalists receive reports from the off-going shift with a very brief history of the background and a more detailed explanation of the patient’s current lab results and current status, along with tasks that need to be completed.

    A UR nurse is another set of eyes to make sure that the patient is receiving the appropriate treatments, tests, etc., so they may be deemed medically stable for discharge. They are privy to the progress notes from everyone involved in the care of the patient and typically follow them from admission to discharge.

    What Michelle reveals is what appears to be a coordinated effort to block physicians from prescribing medications they deem suitable, whether that be the early treatment for a disease or treating with an antibiotic for a secondary infection. She also discusses in detail the current increase in hospitalization, worse than these last two years, with the flu and RSV. Could it be a safety signal from the experimental injection a pregnant mother took while the baby was in utero?

    We lost a lot of experienced nurses and doctors this year who refused to participate in an experimental gene therapy injection and violated their ethical principles and oath to do no harm by following absurd policies and protocols initiated by the hospital administrators. What was left in the wake of that mass exit from the hospital system was new, inexperienced nurses who have not developed the intuition on how to appropriately evaluate a patient’s status and no clear guidance on what it takes to be a strong advocate for our patients.

    Many new grad nurses were placed on the covid lockdown units of these hospitals because these patients were given a standard protocol of Remdesivir, a drug that is given once a day, and were typically not medically complex was not a good start for a new nurse. They learned that it was ok to violate the patient’s bill of rights and did not learn competent assessment skills as their time with the patient was diminished (isolation patient), doctors as a whole stopped doing bedside assessments, the removal of the advocate from the bedside and that seclusion for someone who was not symptomatic was applauded and so much more.

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