Internet blogger “SkepDoc” Dr. Harriet Hall slammed anti-vaxxers for their “conspiracy” theories about deadly Covid clot shots, now she’s DEAD after getting TRIPLE-JABBED


    by S.D. Wells, Natural News:

    “Skep Doc” Harriet Hall wasn’t just “skeptical” of vaccine skeptics, she was critical and insulting about their very existence, referring to them all as stupid idiots who should be analyzed for their irrational thinking. She capped all vaccine skeptics as propagators of social media myths, regarding the clot shots causing heart attacks, vascular clots, and infertility. No, don’t you go worrying about all those social media myths, because Dr. Harriet Hall just got three FREE Covid jabs at the grocery store and there was no line at all. Step right up, parents and children of all ages, and get the free EXPERIMENTAL gene-mutating, toxic-spike-protein-prion-creating clot shot that is only the most dangerous “vaccine” ever created.

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    Dr. Hall, the SkepDoc blogger who fervently criticized natural medicine every chance she got, died “suddenly” after getting 3 toxic Wuhan virus jabs

    It was such a grand mystery to SkepDoc Harriet why any parents on planet earth would ever avoid getting every child they have triple-jabbed with prion-creating clot shots that the kids don’t need. “Why isn’t everyone getting vaccinated” she posed as her blog quandary. How perplexing. A retired Air Force physician and flight surgeon must not have read any articles about all the pilots dropping dead right and left after getting the Fauci Flu jabs. She must only read mainstream news, or just her own blogs, over and over, since they’re always “science-based” and “evidence-based.”

    The author of a science medicine blog died after following her own advice about the spike protein clot shots, and now, anyone calling it out is considered rude and insensitive to her plight. Where were all those critics when Dr. SkepDoc was calling all the natural health advocates complete idiots and lunatics for not getting stuck with experimental, emergency-use-only CCP jabs? Who was insensitive then? You were saying?

    Looks like “science-based medicine” does NOT follow the science anymore, or they would know better. After all, the folks at Pfizer have a decades-long rap sheet of fraud, negligence, and corruption when it comes to creating and marketing their medications and vaccines, and so does Moderna. Follow the bouncing ball.

    All the “science-based” medicine fraudsters and psycho-bloggers are continuing to push the propaganda, even in the wake of SkepDoc’s wake

    Why let the fraud and propaganda die with a fake skeptic’s death? The clot shot pushers want more, more, more. They’re actually doubling down on how Dr. Hall was a truth seeker and how she probably would have asked everyone to “have a kind thought for her” and “continue to support her belief in the truth.” Really? Does that include the belief that all vaccine skeptics are idiots and need their heads examined?

    You know, the entire opioids for pain campaign was supposedly “science-based” and “evidence-based” also, claiming they were NOT addictive, and were “safe and effective” at addressing pain from just about everything, including surgery pain, back pain, inflammation pain, you name it. Are all the natural health advocates idiots and conspiracy theorists for having questioned all of that, before the truth came out? This requires careful consideration, especially now that we’re seeing perfectly healthy athletes around the world drop dead from heart attacks right after getting the Covid jabs. Again… bouncing ball.

    If you believe in “science-based medicine” like the recently deceased Skep-Doc, you might want to become a skeptic of all that propaganda, starting right now

    Dr. Harriet Hall, a.k.a. SkepDoc, was a strong proponent of every vaccine mandate for Covid, pushing everyone who read her blog to run out and get as many clot shots as they could get for free, and to shout out YES! in their own posts supporting her concocted theories.


    Never criticize a criticizer after they die, or their sheeple followers and cry-bully trolls will rip you to shreds online. Dr. David “Kevorkian” Gorsky jumped on the bandwagon, with his own “skeptical raptor” style rants, defending the clot shots as best he can, with ZERO science to back up his claims, as usual. Gorsky is even more of an aggressive rage-blogger than SkepDoc, as he was once caught blogging (as “Orac”) during breast cancer surgery at his “medicine-based” dungeon in Michigan. This is the same guy who GLOATED about the death of a natural medicine doctor. There’s a “taste of your own medicine” Orac, and a bit of “respectful insolence” for those skeptical blog rants. Welcome to the clot shot effect. It’s no conspiracy, in fact, it’s science-based vascular evidence.

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