Grocery Stores In New York City Are Considering Locking Up Food Because Theft Has Become So Rampant


    by Michael Snyder, The Economic Collapse Blog:

    Food has become a prime target for thieves, and that should deeply alarm all of us.  Once upon a time, shoplifting was a minor nuisance for most retailers in the United States.  But today the game has completely changed.  Highly organized gangs of thieves are systematically looting stores all over the country, and this is costing retailers billions upon billions of dollars.  Authorities call it “organized retail crime”, but I call it complete and utter lawlessness.  When you have large groups of people storming retail stores all over the nation on a regular basis, that is a major crisis.

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    Originally, a lot of these gangs were primarily targeting goods that could be resold on the Internet very easily.  But now a lot of grocery stores are being targeted, and food is being stolen on a scale that we have never seen before.

    In New York City, things have gotten so bad that some stores are thinking of implementing dramatic measures.  The following comes from a Fox News article entitled “NYC grocery stores consider locking up food due to rampant theft; workers are ‘traumatized’”

    Shampoo, toothpaste, and razor blades are all items that grocery stores have increasingly started locking behind counters. Soon, that list might include food.

    “People have no fear of coming to your store and stealing,” said Nelson Eusebio of the National Supermarket Association.

    “Our employees are terrified,” Eusebio continued. “We have young people that come to work, young cashiers who work part-time, these kids are 16-17 years old. They’re traumatized.”

    When I first started warning that we are becoming a “Mad Max society”, a lot of people thought that I was exaggerating.

    Sadly, the breakdown of law and order just continues to accelerate in many of our largest cities.  In fact, it is being reported that grand larcenies “were up 80% in New York City last year”

    New York City Mayor Eric Adams has made a point of combating the repeat offenses. “Criminals believe our criminal justice system is a joke,” Adams said in comments referring to a serial intruder who was arrested and released 26 times. “Those arrested for grand larceny go to court, get released and on their way home from court, they’re doing another grand larceny.”

    According to the New York Police Department, grand larcenies, thefts of over $1,000, were up 80% in New York City last year.

    Only an 80 percent increase?

    Yes, that sounds perfectly “normal” to me.

    In other areas of the country, shortages are the big news right now.

    I never imagined that Costco would totally run out of eggs in early 2023, but this has actually happened at many of their stores.

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