Biden Doesn’t Trust Secret Service Because They’re White Southerners, Book Claims


    by Chris Menahan, Information Liberation:

    President Joe Biden doesn’t trust his own Secret Service and will not speak freely in their presence because they’re white Southerners, according to a new book.

    From Mediaite:

    [Chris Whipple, author of the new book The Fight of His Life: Inside Joe Biden’s White House] wrote that the Secret Service “is full of white ex-cops from the South who tend to be deeply conservative.”

    “Wary of his own Secret Service agents, the president no longer spoke freely in their presence,” he added.

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    Additionally, Biden refused to believe that his German Shephard dog Major bit a Secret Service agent, according to Whipple.

    “Look, the Secret Service are never up here. It didn’t happen,” Biden told a friend.

    Major, a rescue, was eventually rehomed following a string of biting incidents at the White House.

    At what point does Biden’s anti-white hate become pathological?

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