As The ‘Biden Body Count’ Keeps Growing Across America, George Orwell Warned Long Ago: ‘There Is Something Wrong With A Regime That Requires A Pyramid Of Corpses Every Few Years’


    by D Parker, All News Pipeline:

    Do you ever feel like you’re seeing history repeat itself and yet you cannot wake people up to the danger? This can be maddening at times, especially when you look back at records from the period before WWII, and you see the same themes, propaganda, and lies. Meanwhile, the fascist far-left — the party of projection — keeps up with their constant barrage of BS.

    They must do this because deception is the only way they can attain power. Dividing people by sowing chaos and confusion until they can consolidate enough control. Getting to a point where they can control free speech and punish those who dare speak out. Horrifying, and we’re almost fully to that point now.

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    They have lies that make no sense like modeling the entire political spectrum as “Liberal-Conservative”; claims that fascism belongs on the “far right” or that anarchism belongs on the “far left.” Repeating the same lies until they can bluff their way into pretending it’s the truth.

    They won’t have a straight answer if you ask how one would place a totalitarian ideology on the pro-freedom side of the political spectrum that values liberty and limited government.

    As will be the case if you ask how an ideological concept that means “no ruler would sit alongside an ideology based on a dictatorship with centralized, totalitarian control.

    If they push the absurd “Liberal-Conservative” political scale, ask them if Stalin was a liberal. Then watch as they tie themselves up into knots with bizarre excuses about the political spectrum being a ‘horseshoe’ or ‘ring’ shape for absolutely no reason.

    Repeating history

    Modern civilization has gone through the same horrible events either because of the outright lie that “socialism has never really been tried before” or this time it’s going to be different because the fascist far-left is “saving the planet.”

    No one wants to take the time to learn the hard lessons of history and what not to do. Put a bunch of fascist far-left megalomaniacs in charge of the economy and the world? No problem! Just don’t ask them about chromosomes and or to define what a woman is.

    That worked out so well the last time we tried it, with millions dead, and utter devastation around the world.

    Each time the sequence starts the fascist far-left takes over, asserts tight control, and then starts piling up bodies like cordwood. It doesn’t matter if it’s for the cause of Lebensraum or reducing the population to ‘save the planet’ from global cooling (or was that global warming this week?).

    There is something seriously wrong with an ideological cult that worships nationalism or internationalism interchangeably and death, “Patria o Muerte” (“Homeland or Death”).

    History always repeats itself because it’s based on the same human frailties and motivations.

    See if you pick up some of the glaring similarities between what is happening in Davos with the WEF, and the last time, the fascist far-left tried one of their grandiose schemes of Utopia.

    Start with this glowing report on Italy’s “Corporative State” from World Problems in Review, April 1927:

    Fascist Italy is on the eve of making a daring social experiment—that of bringing into being the so-called Corporative State. To understand this experiment, it is necessary to keep in mind what constitutes the foundation of the Fascist doctrine, which may be thus defined: 

    a) The interests of all classes must be subordinated to the supreme interest of the State; 

    (b) The interests of the employers, as much as those of the men, must be subordinated to the interests of production; 

    (c) The State has the right and the duty to intervene and to regulate all these interests. The individual is thus to be absorbed in the Corporation and the Corporation in the State. The new system is not yet in operation, but almost all the preparations for the experiment have now been made.

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