17% of Teenagers Had Heart Symptoms After Their Second Pfizer Jab, New Study


    by Arjun Walia, The Pulse:

    A new study out of Taiwan continues to call for caution with regards to COVID mRNA injections and young men.

    Researchers took 4,928 high school students from Tapei City and conducted electrocardiograms (ECGs) to measure their heart rhythms before and after their second Pfizer jabs. 90 percent of the students in the study were male.

    The study points out that “Abnormal ECGs were obtained in 51 (1.0%) of the students, of which 1 was diagnosed with mild myocarditis and another 4 were judged to have significant arrhythmia. None of the patients needed to be admitted to hospital and all of these symptoms improved spontaneously.” However, one student showed premature ventricular contractions, which can raise the risk of sudden cardiac death.

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    At a rate of just 1%, researchers concluded that “cardiac symptoms are common after the second dose of BNT162b2 vaccine,”

    Myocarditis or significant arrhythmias took place at a rate of 1 in 1000, and cleared up on their own for the time being.

    Here are some key conclusions from the study in the author’s words:

    (1) Although cardiac-related symptoms were fairly common, the incidence of myocarditis was 0.02%. (2) The depolarization and repolarization parameters (QRS duration and QT interval) decreased significantly after the vaccine with increasing heart rate, and new onset significant arrhythmia was 0.08% after vaccination in this healthy young population. (3) ECG screening with pre- and post-vaccine comparison had high sensitivity and specificity to detect significant cardiac adverse effects.

    Safety Signals

    What planet are we living on where we are fighting over which poses a greater threat, the disease or the medical product to treat the disease? Usually, if there is this much discussion and data around safety signals a drug is pulled. And it would never be mandated as we’ve seen with COVID shots. Where there is risk there must be choice.

    When my researcher hat is on, studies like this add to the ever compiling list of evidence that suggests these vaccines are not as safe and effective as the public was told. For some people, it’s quite clear that these vaccines can cause more harm than COVID itself.

    That said, I also can’t ignore this pre-print study from March 2022 that suggested ”Young males infected with the virus are up 6 times more likely to develop myocarditis as those who have received the vaccine.” Perhaps the peer-review process will negate these findings, we will see. Mind you, this study looked at early COVID variants only, and of course there are many other risks and adverse events to look out for, not just myocarditis.

    Further, to compare, one would have to determine how many cases of myocarditis would be prevented by vaccination vs getting COVID.

    All these facts in hand, this is why so many doctors and scientists have been calling for the pausing of mRNA jabs until more research can be done to determine what is going on. The authors of the study I presented agree and wrote: “The arrhythmia triggering effect by BNT162b2 [Pfizer] vaccine needs further study to elucidate,”

    Plainly said, they aren’t sure what is going on here, and given the mild nature of COVID variants at the moment, especially for young people, why would we be taking chances and guessing?

    Thinking Critically

    What is interesting to me here is the fact that this occurred after dose two. Reason being, when you take a look at a memorandum document regarding the Pfizer clinical trials for COVID injections you notice that in the adult study, 16 years of age and older, about 5 times more people were pulled out of the trial in the vaccine group compared to the placebo group following the second dose.

    In the same document for the pediatric Pfizer trial, ages 5 to 12, the same phenomenon occurs. 6 times the amount of people are pulled after the second dose.

    Left is adult trial data, right is pediatric.

    This is concerning because what should typically be seen is people dropping out of a trial at roughly the same rate from the vaccine group and the placebo group. Yet we don’t see this here.

    Instead we see a very targeted removal of people in the vaccine group which reasonably suggests that something is wrong here. Were the researchers unblinded during the study process allowing them to pull people from the study in order produce a conclusion that could be approved for emergency use authorization? Whistleblower Brook Jackson says that’s exactly what happened.

    I credit Dr. Madhava Setty for having pointed out this anomaly to me. He also illustrated that the chances this happened via coincidence is about 1 in 100,000.

    It would be irresponsible to not ask if the Pfizer COVID vaccine trials were indeed fraudulent.

    Time To Stop?

    Taiwan had stopped second doses of Pfizer shots for kids aged 12 – 17 back in Nov. of 2021 given myocarditis concerns. They later restarted the program.

    In a brief look back at how drugs get approved and pulled in the past, I found that it took a median of 4.2 years after the drugs were approved for these safety concerns to come to light. Issues were more common among psychiatric drugs, biologic drugs, and drugs that were granted “accelerated approval,” just like COVID vaccines. So it should be no surprise that we are seeing such issues with COVID vaccines given the tight timelines in which they were approved.

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