Why Did the FBI Want Joe Biden to Become President?


    by John Leonard, AmericanThinker:

    Just imagine for a moment that Donald Trump, Jr. (or Eric) sat on the board of directors for a foreign company and “earned” millions of dollars for literally doing nothing. He didn’t know the industry and didn’t speak the language. The only thing Junior brought to the table was his last name. He made deals with foreign agents and foreign corporations to acquire rare materials like cobalt (used in electric cars) that was sold to Chinese interests for profit. While on an extended drug binge, he took a computer with lots of incriminating evidence to a repair shop and forgot or didn’t care what he’d done with it. Then he ignored all the calls from the shop telling him to come pick up his computer. That would be huge news, wouldn’t it?

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    Of course, Donald Trump, Sr. would be crucified. The media coverage would be nonstop. After years of witch hunts, they would finally have legitimate criminal behavior to investigate. The thousands of hours of airtime devoted to fake scandals would finally have paid off.

    But change the name from Donald Trump, Jr. to Hunter Biden and the political party that stands to suffer from the revelations from Republican to Democrat, and the media becomes curiously uninterested in doing their job, which is to report the truth: That Hunter Biden is the bagman for the Biden family crime syndicate. The latest Twitter Files information drop proves it. Not only has Hunter’s corrupt and criminal business deals been exposed, the extraordinary lengths to which the FBI acted to suppress a true story have been exposed, too.

    FBI agents swear to an oath of office that reads, “I [name] do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”

    Please remember that oath as we now talk about the latest development in the ongoing saga known as Hunter Biden laptop information found in The Twitter Files. If you haven’t been following the Twitter Files information drops before now, you need to start immediately.  The latest release curated by Michael Shellenberger is absolutely stunning. The quick summary is that the FBI does not look good. They look terrible. In fact, they look like criminals. The FBI has been operating a lot more like a crime syndicate than federal law enforcement, and they have been keenly interested in suppressing free speech on social media. Words such as “infuriating” are entirely inadequate to convey the feelings of outrage and anger I’m experiencing right now.

    The FBI has been controlling what you and I have been allowed to say on the Internet. The Bureau had a bunch of “former” employees on Twitter’s payroll actively helping suppress free speech on their platform. The FBI had secret channels of communication between an agency of theirs and a privately-owned social media company that were used exclusively to control the public narrative about an election-changing event. The FBI also paid Twitter millions of taxpayer dollars to suppress our own free speech. Is this a great country, or what?

    Who or what authorized them, a federal agency, to spend my tax dollars on manipulating social media to deliberately advance a false narrative about Hunter’s laptop?  It’s difficult to find the right words to describe the depths of their corruption that has now been exposed for the whole world to see, but I’m certainly going to try my best. “Unbelievable” isn’t a very good descriptor either, because we have tons of evidence that proves beyond any reasonable doubt that the FBI took extraordinary measures to manipulate the 2020 election in favor of Joe Biden.

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