The Experts™ Finally Discover Why ‘LGBTQ Youth’ Are Suicidal


    by Ben Bartree, PJ Media:

    Liberal and tolerant Public Health™ experts seem to have finally sussed out, based on hard clinical research, the true sources of LGBTQ+++™ youth suicidality.

    Via Forbes:

    TRUTH LIVES on at

    In its second annual National Survey on LGBTQ Youth Mental Health, The Trevor Project uncovered some alarming information about gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and other gender nonconforming young Americans: 48% of this group said that in the last 12 months, they engaged in self-harm; that number rose to 60% for trans and nonbinary youth. Even more worrisome, 40% of those surveyed reported having seriously considered attempting suicide during that period; Of the young people who identified as trans or nonbinary, more than half said they strongly considered ending their lives.

    What on Earth could drive 60% of non-binary children to want to kill themselves?

    Probably bigotry!

    Forbes continues:

    Researchers said the resulting data shines a light on the mental health disparities, discrimination, housing instability, barriers to accessing mental health care, conversion therapy, and suicide plaguing LGBTQ youth.

    It’s obviously just a major coincidence that suicidality increases when pop culture floods children’s corporate media programming to celebrate “Transgender Day of Visibility” and libbed-out parents encourage their four-year-old children to “explore their genders.” This is clearly not disorienting or confusing for children.

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