Occult UN Forces Seek to Hijack Religion for “Globalism”


    by Alex Newman, The New American:

    United Nations forces and allies, many with ties to the new age and the occult, are working to hijack and unify the religions and religious leaders of the world for sinister purposes, explains the new American magazine’s Alex Newman in this episode of Behind the Deep State. Various UN agencies are openly recruiting and weaponizing religious movements for the cause of “Climate Action” and other pretexts being used to undermine liberty and self-government. In keeping with insider Peter Drucker’s 3-Legged Stool Formula, the UN has already brought government and the business sector on board with the agenda and now it is turning to the social sector, primarily religion. Newman, who just returned from the UN COP27 climate change conference in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, exposes some of the key players in this movement including exclusive interviews with some of the ring leaders. Also exposed are some of the funding sources such as major tax-exempt foundations with deep ties to the occult and even disciples of Lucifer Publishing company founder and new age guru Alice Bailey. Alex says it is imperative that people of faith resist.

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